Until the credit card bill

Until the credit card bill comes through, retail therapy works.


  1. I bought some boots, two coats (cream and grey), these huuuuuge brown trousers that are going back because they fall down (too loose around the waist) and a cross-over shirt. Man I’m greedy! But they were kinda joint purchases with Fonzarelli, though I’m now a size smaller than her (I find great pleasure n that 🙂

  2. Joint purchases… Pain in the arse!!! Me and Sally share a couple of things, but the best thing to do is live in them… They get all honky and the little un’s don’t want them!!! He he he!! DT

  3. Hmm, I think I’m going to go mad and do some online shopping, ‘cos walking is DEFINITELY out at the moment for me.

  4. DT….you are mean…anyhoo I don’t wnat any of your clothes cos ya right they do stink he he :0

  5. hey saims really cool blue site uve got up here!.iam ammars cousin..U look kinds skinny why dont you model?.Anyways whats the story of hate crimes here?.Do right about it so i can come and check out your site again ;>..sheerio

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