I love mangoes but there

I love mangoes but there has got to be a easier and cleaner way of eating them. You know, one that doesn’t involve having to lick your arms afterwards.


  1. dear madam.. it is not the mangoe which is at fault here you see….. you need to find yourself your very own arm licker 😉 how enticing..

  2. the best way to eat a mango is to peel all the skin off, cut it up into chunks, sprinkle chili powder on it, squeeze a little lime juice and a tiny bit of salt. Yum! eat it with a fork or your fingers. It’s absolutely yum

  3. on the train back from bombay (! – to the city, not the return journey), i saw a gujarati family eating a mango straight from it’s skin, having made just a single incision somewhere near the top. still haven’t figured out how its done.
    you could try slicing them…

  4. I can’t stand mangoes either, but the rest of my family is obsessed about them, so I’ve witnessed many a mango being devoured in various interesting ways. And they’re all equally messy.
    B. My dad eats his mangoes like that if they’re particularly ripe. He takes the mangoe as it is, and pummels it all over to pulp the flesh. Once he’s made a slit at the top, he essentially squeezes the mango and drinks the pulp out the top, pulling out the stone thing half way through to suck out the rest.

  5. If I’m being particularly lazy I eat them like your dad Faisal. But it’s unbelievably messy. Juive everywhere.

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