Anyone who knows me, I

Anyone who knows me, I mean really knows me, will be aware of my fascination with small cute objects. In fact my cooing over them never fails to bring a look of disgust to my cousin’s face before she accuses me of being “such a girlie!” I have a collection of such objects, ranging from tiny shoes to itsy bitsy knifes (ooh still sharp!). Imagine my absolute delight then when I first came across It hosts a plethora of submissions about the minute things of this world. My favourite though has got to be the smallest rose. What says “I love you” better than a rose you can’t see well with the naked eye?


  1. Moderation is the secret to life, thus i would personally say that watermellons would make you fat if you ate more than a whole one.
    As for whether I want “S” girl to be you, I could not really say, considering the fact that
    a) I might be short sighted anyway but
    the picture is too fuzzy for me to figure out what the person actually looks like (nice lineaments though) and:
    b) As I don’t know you personally but only as a figment of my webimmagination, I could not say what sort of face i would like to link you with (although I am sure its very nice, you are Pakistani after all)
    On the subject of Ferrets it is actually quite quaint that you should mention them as just today I recieved an email (32 things you did not know) of which #5 was: .A female ferret will die if it goes into heat and cannot find a mate.
    I guess I have wasted enough of your precious time (even though you must be on holiday right now…)
    Lots of love and loud shouting ferrets from Spain.

  2. on small things: well i’m glad you shared that with us prospect suitors. since’re we’re mostly all hand-to-mouth college students, you can now expect the size of the stone on the engagement ring to be teeny tiny, coochie coo, cute 🙂

  3. i’m sure there’s some penis joke to be made here… it’ll come to me…(ho ho). is indeed excellent. be sure to check it tomorrow by the way 😀

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