Happy Thanksgiving to all the American readers.
Year: 2000
Everyone say hi to Rena
Everyone say hi to Rena because I know she’ll be visiting the site tonight. Rena is my team leader at work and just to let you all know she’s very very mean! (just kidding!)
Book of Names
I came across a dictionary of boys’ names and what they mean. Here’s the names beginning with A to start off with: Aaron – ugly but has the best yumuka Adam – cute, funny and needs a bath Adrian – usually short and very horny, watches cartoons Alan – shy but sensitive, gets screwed over… Continue reading Book of Names
Thanks to blogvoices.com and a pointer from Jish, you can now discuss each individual entry by clicking on the lips that follow it! Hoorah for interaction.
I am bored. I am so bored that I feel like throwing myself down the stairs just for a bit of action. But I won’t. I’ll be lying at the bottom of the stairs for a couple of hours till someone gets home and that’ll be even more boring because I won’t be able to… Continue reading Boredom
To Faisal….I wasn’t being sarcastic about your site, I really do like it!