You learn something new everyday

You learn something new everyday (no matter how useless it is).
Things you can do with vinegar
1. Remove skunk odor from a dog. Rub fur with full strength vinegar; rinse.
2. Soothe a bee or jellyfish sting. Dot the irritation with vinegar and relieve itching.
3. Soothe a sore throat. Put a teaspoon of vinegar in a glass of water. Gargle, then swallow.
4. Ease nausea and stomach upsets.
5. Help treat burns.
And you thought it was only good for being dared to drink half a cup of it in the school cafeteria! …..Oh hang on that’s me…

Categorised as General


  1. my lil sister used to drink a teaspoon of vinegar to cure her hicups [it worked too], then she got to like it and used to sneak teaspoons of it when she thought we weren’t looking!!

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