When I'm extremely bored and

When I’m extremely bored and all other avenues of boredom relief are closed I sift through member profiles on AIM and have a jolly good giggle. Sometimes they’re not funny and I laugh anyway but enough about my problems. (Screennames have been changed to protect the identity of the stupid.)
CrypticGuy99: Male, ask for age when you talk. VERY good at what I do. I love to do it to anyone who wants it. (I’m totally thrown off by ‘it’. What’s ‘it’?)
GhettoBooty: what u waitn fo!!!hit me up wit a im if u wanna knoe meeh info!!!..ight..peace
ScaryPersonat12oclock: I am the ice maiden come from my little hole. I have known more then my age will show. Come into my world and see what no one else does. Come into my hell. (Nah, but cheers for the offer.)
Insecure4U: I am a young good looking guy. i am 5,7 140 brown hair, brown eyes. i am funny and my body is ok too (You need to sell yourself more than that. Put some effort into it!)
OneTrackMind007: PORNOGRAPHY (’nuff said.)
What does your AIM profile say?


  1. random chat intros in icq, upto a few months ago were really silly too!
    sai, this site looks quite kewl on 1024×768 w/ small fonts…

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