What's another name for the

What’s another name for the Indian sub-continent?


  1. d’you know, that recently, the pak mil regime, for the lack of anything better to do, decided to take up the cause of renaming the indian subcontinent and the indian ocean into something else?

  2. I’ve heard that fanatics have pressurized some map-makers into not marking India on their maps, instead just leaving a massive grey expanse, or replacing it with sea.

  3. Oooh B, someone’s bitter. Must I remind you that SaimaSays.com is not the place for political propaganda? Especially the type that pisses me off.

  4. sai, politics being perceived as the playground for buffoons doesn’t mean that it should not be discussed (being a student of political science, and an aspiring political scientist, it is of course expected that i’ll say this 😉
    here in bombay, i’ve seen ships for the first time … the sea isn’t that bad fez 😉
    i’ll be back in del in 48 hrs … chat w/ y’all then

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