That Jish. He completely stole

That Jish. He completely stole my idea about a voice blog. OK so it was still in my head at the time but still. Anyway, he sounds better so go listen. (I still may do it, the way it was going to work was that you could listen to my lastest weblog post only. What say ye? Yay or nay?)


  1. good god! a voice blog? u guyz seem to have a lot of spare time and here i am struggling with all my programming assignments 🙁

  2. I can’t right now because my internet connection has gone absolutely kaput after I restored the whole system. I have no idea how to fix it either. Until then I won’t be online except the rare chances I get to use my sister’s PC. 🙁

  3. Yes 2, if you don’t count the other 3. But what’s the use? Sniff. I’m hoping the new one will have less problems, like internet access and ability to support a webcam.

  4. umm.. that would be highly unadvisable saima.. think about me.. my brit accent fettish… me obsessing over you as it is… and after upon listening to your voice…. i might do some..very .. very drastic things.. *shakes violently*

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