So you come home and

So you come home and you find this, this and this in your living room. Uncles rock!


  1. Lord! Looks like you landed on your feet there guvnor! Maybe now you guys can watch the Sleepy Hollow DVD without fighting for space around your PC!!! Enjoy the merchandise! Love DT

  2. I know! I will watch it all the time now! How much do we love that movie? Reminds me of a particular night with cats, spilt tea on leather sofas, projector screens and the aforementioned uncle aided by a cousin. Remember that DT? Not forgetting the lost contact lense of course. Oh those were the days……

  3. Biyatch! I’m just watching the end of “One Flew Over The Cukoo’s Nest”. But the PC fan is drowning out the subtleties in the soundtrack. Quality film though.

  4. I read subtleties as subtitles and thought ‘Why do you wanna hear the subtitles??!’ and got all confused. Silly me.
    Marriage does make you part of someone’s family so I’m marrying Prince William for his….intelligence.

  5. I am sure, you had read about uncles like me, if you had read KIDNAPPED by Robert L. Steveson.

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