Part of an interview at

Part of an interview at Beliefnet.
Interviewer: You say you recently saw the Vatican. What was that like, and what do you think of the pope?
Marilyn Manson: It’s odd that you ask, because I have the pope’s head, which someone sold me from a wax museum, sitting on the shelf in front of me, staring at me. I don’t really have an opinion on the pope. It’s strange that so many people look up to him, because if you actually believed Christ’s teachings, it would be inappropriate to idolize somebody as much as you do God, and a lot of people look to the pope or the Virgin Mary in a way that’s idolatrous. But I don’t have a problem with him.
I was kind of overwhelmed by the Vatican. I was overwhelmed by the amount of gold that was used to create the building, while so many people complain about hunger and homelessness and the pain and sufferings of the world. And buildings like that are supposed to be what God intended. It doesn’t add up.


  1. Manson is not stupid, i don’t like his music but what he says is the truth, but the people who don’t want to hear the truth simply label him as stupid without actually giving a good intelligent reason why they think he’s stupid. Probably because deep down they know he’s telling the truth.

  2. He is regarded as one of the worlds experts on Nietszhe (I can never spell that damn name correctly). So not stupid no, just a little to gimmicky.

  3. i just think it’s funny that someone will read an interview and think to themselves “umm.. i have no clue what he’s saying right now. but umm.. i bet i dont believe in it. OBVIOUSLY HE’S STUPID!”

  4. Oh sorry, I thought you were referring to the “someone” reading the interview… I obviously didn’t pick up on the give-away speech mark… Doh.

  5. Ok, Faisal, it’s obvious all of you were trying to make me sound dumb and uneducated or whatever just because my opinions and beliefs about another person aren’t as refined as yours. I had a very good idea as to what Manson was talking about, and NO I don’t believe in it. Honestly, what right does he have using his status as the “antichrist” to degrade GOD? I mean, not in the specific interview, but in other places. It’s God that put him as high and mighty as Manson is. So yeah, he’s stupid trying to use his status to degrade anyone. What right does anyone have to do that? FUCK IT. I guess that you all think you’re more sophisticated talking about “the truth” that Manson speaks. What truth is in his words, Chris? As much truth that could be in a Britney Spears or ‘N-Sync song?

  6. Noone is trying to make you sound dumb and uneducated Stephanie. I guess what this ‘discussion’ goes to show is that everyone has a different opinion and calling someone stupid because of it isn’t right. All the major religions differ in opinion and even members of these religions have their own opinions and follow different schools of thought.
    Basically I think the message everyone is trying to get across is that you can’t label someone stupid because what they believe or choose no to believe doesn’t correspond to your own beliefs.
    As for degrading God with his opinion I don’t believe that is true at all. If you read that interview you’d see the part where he says, “I find God to be what exists in what you create. I make music. I think that that’s coming in touch with God when I write a story, when I come up with a phrase or paint a picture, because that’s about creating.” ie. he does believe in a God of sorts, different from me and you maybe. Also, in Islam we believe that you can’t assign any partners to God, he has no sons, daughters, etc. So when Christians say that Jesus is the son of God, to us that could be perceived as degrading God no? Does that mean we should label Christians as stupid? No.
    I don’t think you can’t really compare Manson to ‘N Sync and Britney. Singing about ‘dirty pop’ and how ‘she’s so lucky’ doesn’t hold the same bearing as the theological discussions Manson gets into.
    As for asking Chris why he believes what Manson says is the truth, I don’t think he should have to explain himself at all. We are not asking you to explain why you believe in God, and if you’re Christian to explain why you believe Jesus is his son. There are people out there who believe Jesus’s message was destorted and he never claimed to be the son of God. Would you be able to prove that wrong? Should you have to?
    To cut a long story short, believe what you want and don’t put down people for doing the same. Now can we get back to being a one big ‘people who visit saimasays’ family? 🙂

  7. But by all means, if anyone wants to continue this discussion, then feel free to do so…. Surely this is what dotcomments is all about.

  8. You can feel however you want about Marilyn Manson and his lifestyle and music. I personally find them disgusting. But to me, the point he’s making in this quote isn’t about God — who he seems to have respect for. It’s about the hypocrisy of people who say they believe in God. If we are to take care of the poor and downtrodden, then why are we building castles of gold? It’s a good point, one that believers should acknowledge and think about (and probably already are).

  9. i am definitely not getting into a debate over religion for any reason. it always has been, and always will be, a conversation destined to go nowhere.
    just for the record, manson never rebelled against God. he rebelled against the people of God. and to put it blunt, you have to be completely ignorant if you are unaware the atrocities they carry out. not that i’m saying anyone commenting here is ignorant to them. to put it as manson himself did, “i never hated the one true God, but the God of the people i hated.”

  10. I can completley see your guys’ pov’s. I guess that since I don’t care too much for Manson’s lifestyle, I never really cared too much to learn about what he stands for/against. So that does make me ignorant in a way. Everyone is ignorant about something. And it’s not bad. It makes us human. I don’t think this is really a topic about religion, more like opinions and points-of-view.

  11. manson has a bevy of quotes saying, in different phrases, “ignorance is universal in humans.”
    oh, and the comment i first said wasnt directed right at you, stephanie. sorry to imply that, i should have been more clear. it was just directed at what i’ve heard throughout the years being a manson fan. you get a lot of feedback whether you want it or not when you live in a place like tennessee.

  12. Isn’t it just beautiful when we all get along? *sniff* Now if you’ll excuse me I have something in my eye…..

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