Only at this time of year can grown people hold their head up high and walk through a packed office of their juniors with a Santa Claus hat on…along with a tinkly bell.
He She PC
A language instructor was explaining to her class that French nouns, unlike their English counterparts, are grammatically designed as masculine or feminine. Things like “chalk” or “pencil” have a gender association, although in English these words are neutral. Puzzled, one student raised his hand and asked, “What gender is a computer?” The teacher wasn’t certain… Continue reading He She PC
Evil Demons
My browser is scaring me. I went to as I do but when I tried to leave 3 other windows opened with in them. This kept happening till I restarted! I mean I like Jish, but that’s just taking the biscuit.
Ask Away
I’m bored. So entertain me. Ask me a question, the first 5 received will be posted up here. Along with their honest answers of course.Ready, steady…go!!
What's in a name?
Wednesday 13th 2000 @ 1.45am in my nan’s living room, watching a movie. Younger sister: (out of the blue) Why don’t people ever call their son Tin. Saima: Ya what? Younger sister: Why don’t they ever call their sons Tin. Saima: Because it’s not a name maybe? Younger sister: Well, we have Tim, why not… Continue reading What's in a name?
Oooooh, it’s snowing. Now it really feels like Christmas time.