Onions will rule the world

Onions will rule the world once again.


  1. Sorry about that. My temporary insanity was probably due to the fact that I was up at 7 to do Tae-Bo. (Yes Tahira that’s 7 in the morning, are you proud of me?)

  2. No more like a distant aunt of Feng Shui, very distant. It’s the evil exercise of Billy Blank but I am still drawn to it, like a ferret drawn to…..things ferrets like.
    Is that me behind the “S”? I think the question isn’t so much is it me but more do you want it to be me or maybe the real question you want to ask is do watermelons make you fat. The answers are in the stars my inquisitive friend.

  3. All right Sai Sai! Get aboard the early bus baby and ride till you fall asleep on the couch at around 3.15 in the afternoon. I know what you’re like! DT

  4. I was actually thinking of getting one of his tapes, I was watching this rather persuasive infomercial on Sky, and I wanted to be able to kick and punch like some ninja from hell! But I think I’ll stick to Yoga for now.

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