Mmmm, Bueno. The woman in

Mmmm, Bueno. The woman in the ad says if you haven’t tried it you haven’t lived. I wouldn’t go that far but mmmm. In fact the company who make Bueno also make Ferrero Rocher and Kinder Surprise, equally good chocolates. Been deprived of Bueno? The first five people to write a comment to this post will have Bueno sent to them by me. I’m serious.


  1. Alright, Sai Sai, lets see it then! But you can send it to Sally, you know what I’m like about the demon that is chocolate!

  2. Heyyyy Saima! I want chocolate! LoL. I also wanted to comment on your layout. I havn’t visted in a while, because I’ve been really busy and stuff but it looks good!
    PS: Have you heard the song “Hit Em Up Style” by Blu Cantrell? It’s a good song!

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