It's one of those days.

It’s one of those days. You know the type. You’ll do anything but get your head down and study. All of a sudden washing your car seems ever so appealing. You’ve wanted to clear your bedroom out for months, why not do it now? The laundry has never looked so good and those dishes definitely won’t wash themselves. WHY WON’T I STUDY??!?! I guess I just have to hammer in the fact that I have to pass these exa……is that a dirty plate I spy?…..


  1. This is quite impressive… Can you use any sort of html? Is it done using the PHP script which that Adnan geezer linked to? I’ve just renewed my NT hosting. Tell me why….. Seeing as you reminded me, a new photo should be going up on my site any moment…

  2. (parental voice) “i think we had discussed this a while back…”
    *crack* !! (practice makes perfect)

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