It seems to be retro

It seems to be retro movie week in my family recently. We’ve been watching movies we loved as kids. They don’t make them like that anymore. Probably because they’re cheesy and badly acted but they’re still entertaining. Amongst them is Mannequin, which was one of the first movies (along with The Care Bear Movie and Vice Versa) that I ever saw in the cinema. Talking of firsts, we are also watching The Witches which was the first movie I saw that had been adapted from a book I’d already read and loved. I’m still not too pleased with movies like that. A movie that also sticks in my mind is Toy Soldiers. Lately everyone has been talking about Wil Wheaton and I thought to myself, not Wil Wheaton from Toy Soldiers surely! I remember having a huge crush on him. But sure enough, he has his own blog now.
Talking of movies, there’s one that’s been playing on my mind for ages. I just can’t remember the title. It involved a family who moved to a new house. Somehow the kid found an alien who liked to drink soda. He always made these windmills things out of the straws and later on they found out his family were near some hydroelectric windmills. Ring any bells? Or did I just make it up? And no, it’s not E.T., Flight of the Navigator or Batteries Not Included.


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