It seems the Blogger design

It seems the Blogger design has been an inspiration to a few sites recently. I came across this site from my referrer logs recently and though it’s not finished yet, it looks rather familiar wouldn’t you say? I feel like I’ve unearthed some great crime but then someone will turn around and prove me wrong for jumping to conclusions. And it’ll probably be Ev saying it’s a secret project of his. Or the webmaster asking why I’m so horrible, especially after they linked me. And I’ll protest my innocence and say it was just a little post and that I didn’t mean any harm, honest. But no one will believe me and they’ll label me as a bitch and I’ll be shamed amongst the blogging community. And then I’ll feel really small and go and live on an island off the coast of Scotland. There I’ll live, with only my nine cats to keep me company and die in my rocking chair in front of the fire aged 73. Who knew blogging could be such a powerful thing?


  1. i am always amazed that people put up live sites in such unfinished states; it’s like getting dressed on your front porch. sure, you may think no one will happen to come by, but then along comes the innocent passer by led there by the referral log.

  2. Damn! You’ve revealed the new Pyra plastic injection molding division way before my world domination plan called for it. Thanks a lot!

  3. never mind all that crap, let’s point and laugh at saima because she’s an S CLUB 7 FAN! Aaaaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaah!

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