I'm at home today due

I’m at home today due to the ill thang. I’m bored, cold and constantly need to pee. You really needed to know that right?
Send me love and chicken soup.
My Cerruti 1881 ran out so mum bought me a new perfume. Pity I can’t smell it yet. The general consensus is that it’s ‘nice’.
Searching for obscene stuff about me at my site is like sooooooo funny! Note that I’m being sarcastic arsehole.
That Snowflake chocolate mings big time.


  1. A little more information than we needed. Anyway, get well soon so you and I can carry out our secret mission together…. Just tell me when and where. Waiting for details. end of communication.

  2. Awwwww is little Saima feeling poorly? Funnily enough, I was whacked out myself for the past couple of days…..

  3. *sends much love and soup in saima’s direction*
    and i’ve also been having rather a lot of bizarre internal searches on my site of late. i wonder if there’s a link…hrm…

  4. Hasan, I’m not little! Anyway, why are you whacked out? I thought that meant you’reon drugs.
    Simon, you don’t even wanna know the search requests, they’re sick. Must be someone who fancies the both of us 🙂

  5. You want to try Galaxy Liason, thats what you want to do.
    By the way do you like flowers? Are you allergic to roses?

  6. A friend was telling me that the reason why Snowflakes are coated in milk chocolate is that the white flake on its own was too flakey and crumbly, much more so than the standard edition.

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