I found this very disturbing

I found this very disturbing and am shocked that this sort of thing goes on, even in this day and age.

One comment

  1. hmm.. you see these things so much more often in lesser developed nations… in my experiance.. they’ve stopped making me pissed off at society.. cuz nothing is to be acheived when you merely get angry… but its sorta made me cherish life even more.. and respect it… its funny.. you hear this sorta talk when you’re in your teens.. and younger.. and you can’t relate to it at all.. like.. cherish life? what?? it all sounds like bull to you.. in my case.. it comes down to a very simple universal fact: treat others how you’d like to be treated.. putting youself in the other’s shoes.. making others happy.. i used to hear about how people found it rewarding and all.. and i used to go.. whaat? how did these people get all saintly?? well they’re not saints.. it just makes perfect sense from the karma perspective.. plus .. in more earthly terms.. its no surprize that these people live happier lives cuz their attitude is reciprocated accordingly..umm great. i wrote a book.

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