I washed my hair with shower creme by mistake today. Next thing you know, I’ll be brushing my teeth with shampoo and washing with toothpaste. Insane in the brain, insane in the membrane.
Author: Saima
Mmmmmm, I like this site. Lovely jubbly.
Travel Sick
I managed to stay awake today for a grand total of 5 and a half hours. No I’m not incredibly lazy (though people close to me could argue that), I am just feeling very unwell. This means that I won’t be blogging as much, or maybe the opposite in fact since I’ll be bored lying… Continue reading Travel Sick
Shakey Stick
PC Envy
I’m blogging from work today, isn’t that novel? For me anyway. Let’s hope this post actually gets posted, as you may know blogger hasn’t been working too well. The computer’s here are super-duper fast, me wants one of these! Flat screens and the whole works, yum. It will be mine, oh yes it will be… Continue reading PC Envy
Life is not Good
Don’t let happiness fool you. Just when you think everything’s going well, you’re content with your life, you’ve just got over all the horrible things that have happened to you, don’t worry, something will be around the corner to kick you to the ground again. You have been warned.