After what I wrote yesterday

After what I wrote yesterday about this site, this was the reply:
“I noticed in my stat logs a few viewers coming from Muslim based weblogs who seem to feel what I have to say here frightens them. What they seem to fail to realize is that is it people from THEIR middle eastern homelands who come into this country and other civilized countries, wreak havoc, murder innocent people, and then dance in the streets about the tragedy, laughing at the families of those of have lost husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, children and other family members…..seems you have lost sight of that. . And yet when an American becomes angry at this senseless violence, they become frightened. They say it’s people like us they fear, those who express their opinions, their anger, their outrage. Excuse me? I didn’t personally go into YOUR homeland and viciously murder thousands of innocent people in the name of some cockeyed religion. I don’t hide in mudhuts all over the middle east scheming and planning worldwide terrorist activities and not caring who gets killed in the process. I would say this about ANY country that commits the acts these people do and did. My question to those of you who don’t like what I have to say here is what the hell is the matter with your people? Why do they understand nothing but violence? What is the mindset of the people from your homelands who find murdering innocent people a form of entertainment? I have made it very, very clear on my site that I am not a politically correct person and I will voice whatever opinions I choose to on my site. If someone doesn’t like what I have to say here, don’t read it….just as I don’t read opinions I don’t care to hear. Along with the many emotions that are running through every American right now, anger is one that is most prevalent. We have a RIGHT to be angry and we have a RIGHT to express that anger. I choose to express MY anger through words. This IS a free country and one of the rights of free countries is freedom of speech, lest you’ve forgotten.”
Oh dear. It seems some people are just not even worth the effort due to their lack of intelligence and blind prejudice. But for your information, I’m not even from the Middle East. How stupid do you feel now?

Categorised as General


  1. Hey, Im a friend of Fez’s from SOuthampton, I’m from CT and my sister lives several blocks from World Trade Towers, who luckily wasnt severely injured. I just want to say that these americans i.e. ‘intellectual moodiness’ are embarassing. They are merely spewing the same ignorant racist crap that bookburning Nazis and crossburning rednecks have been saying for decades. I just want those in the international community to know that there are Americans who do not hold all Muslims responsible and realize that if we do, It only makes us as intolerant and ignorant of the sanctity of human life as the terrorists who commited this atrocity.

  2. Hi Miss Muslim,
    There is a problem with every Muslim. It doesn’t matter if he or she belongs to the United States of America or Middle Eastern Countries or the South East. The Muslims are all alike, they just violate on anything that is not according to there school of thoughts, that is what is wrong with you too Miss Saima.
    Maybe the entire civilized world gives rights to every person of free speech but whenever the speech is against a Muslim’s thoughts, he or she violates.
    Regardin this matter here too, you yourself are so much confused that you don’t understand that it’s a free world here and everybody had a right to say whatever he or she likes.

  3. Maybe Saima is thinking that she is in Pakistan where muslims have a law of Blasphemy about killing anyone who says anything against Islam

  4. Nel, I can only say – what?
    I will refrain from calling you the names you deserve. Because you probably already know them. Even you must know the utter stupidity of saying something like “The Muslims are all alike”. Perhaps you need to meet a few Muslims – on second thought, you probably need to stay in your litte cave and refrain from any social interaction.
    Saima, and others like her (me included), does understand the power of free speech. That is why she is posting against racism and race hatred. It’s what any decent citizen, Muslim or not, would do. If it offends you then follow your own advice and don’t read it. Live in your own little dangerous world of illusions.
    And to this statement: “I didn’t personally go into YOUR homeland and viciously murder thousands of people in the name of some cockeyed religion”
    So… are you accusing this Muslims in the U.S. of personally invading the U.S.?
    I won’t even get into calling Islam a cockeyed religion.
    Surely you are aware that U.S. troops remain in Saudi Arabia even after the people have begged and pleaded for them to be removed, as they are protecting a corrupt, bankrupt dictatorship – all in the name of oil. Surely you are aware of U.S. cruise missile attacks on Sudan, Iraq, and Libya in the past decade, all of which happened without warning, and which were considered terrorist attacks by the people who suffered through them; you are surely aware of the U.S. backed Israeli troops in the Palestinian homeland. You are surely aware of U.S. Operation “Just Cause” in Panama. You are surely not so naive to believe that the U.S. does not get involved in many other internal conflicts we don’t know about.
    Or maybe you are not. Because if you were, you would think twice about flinging accusations at an entire faith. I can only beseech you to read a history book – a reputable one.
    Good luck, Nel. Maybe there’s hope for you yet.

  5. its people like you nel that grow up to be dangerous and misguided cant think straight,have distorted views,are arrogant and dont grasp the enormity of the situation. you act callously and talk with no knowledge. you sound racist and illiterate and just need an excuse to show your true biased and judgemntal side. i cant even go on bcoz you make me so angry and sad that there are ppl like you..the common ppl who actually think like that.

  6. Nel & Sue,
    There is no point in writing here and scaring a little girl’s website, there has never been any solution possible by fighting and harassing any one.
    Sue, I know better then you, what’s the condition it is in Pakistan and what are the ins and outs there, there is that law but the government is trying to get rid of it.
    Nel, maybe as an American you will think why this disaster happened? I have the answer, it happed because America had forgotten the Lord, Americans forget everything, the prayers in assembly, the thanksgiving & all others, it’s all a curse for America. Maybe you should stop all this nonsense here and go back and listen to Billy Graham, its our national prayer day anyway. Keep praying.

  7. this article is a bit long, but it sums up what i’m feeling right now perfectly.

    “War isn’t a game after all
    Friday, September 14, 2001 – Print Edition, Page A26
    Now is the time in the game of war when we dehumanize our enemies.
    They are incomprehensible, their acts unimaginable, their motivations senseless. They are “madmen,” their states are “rogue.” Now is not the time for understanding — just better intelligence.
    These are the rules of the war game.
    But war is not a game. It is real lives ripped in half; it is lost sons, daughters, mothers and fathers. Perhaps Sept. 11, 2001, will mark the end of the shameful era of the video-game war.
    Watching the coverage this week was a stark contrast to the last time I sat glued to a television set watching a real-time war on CNN. The Space Invader battlefield of the Persian Gulf war had almost nothing in common with the destruction of Manhatten. Back then, we saw only sterile bomb’s-eye views of concrete targets — there, and then gone. Who was in those abstract polygons? We never found out.
    Since the gulf war, U.S. foreign policy has been based on a single brutal fiction: that the U.S. military can intervene in conflicts around the world — in Iraq, Kosovo, Afghanistan — without suffering any U.S. casualties. This is a country that believed in the ultimate oxymoron: a safe war.
    The safe-war logic is, of course, based on the technological ability to wage a war exclusively from the air. But it also relies on the deep conviction that no one would dare mess with the U.S. — the one remaining superpower — on its own soil.
    This conviction allowed Americans to remain blithely unaffected by — even uninterested in — international conflicts in which they are key protagonists. Americans don’t get daily coverage on CNN of the ongoing bombings in Iraq, nor are they treated to human-interest stories on the devastating effects of economic sanctions on that country’s children. After the 1998 bombing of a pharmaceutical factory in Sudan (mistaken for a chemical weapons facility), there weren’t too many follow-up reports about what the loss of vaccine manufacturing did to disease prevention in the region.
    And when NATO bombed civilian targets in Yugoslavia — markets, hospitals, refugee convoys, passenger trains, and a TV station — NBC didn’t do “streeter” interviews with survivors about how shocked they were by the indiscriminate destruction.
    The United States is expert in the art of sanitizing and dehumanizing acts of war committed elsewhere. No wonder Tuesday’s attacks seemed to many Americans to have come less from another country than another planet. The events were reported not so much by journalists as by the new breed of brand-name celebrity anchors who have made countless cameos in Time Warner movies about apocalyptic terrorist attacks on the United States — now, incongruously reporting the real thing.
    The United States is a country that believed itself not just at peace but war-proof, a self-perception that would come as quite a surprise to most Iraqis, Palestinians and Colombians. Like an amnesiac, the U.S. has awakened in the middle of a war, only to find out it has been going on for years.
    Did the United States deserve to be attacked? Of course not. But there’s a different question that must be asked: Did U.S. foreign policy create the conditions in which such twisted logic could flourish, a war not so much on U.S. imperialism but on perceived U.S. imperviousness?
    The era of the video-game war in which the U.S. is at the controls has produced a blinding rage in many parts of the world, a rage at the persistent asymmetry of suffering. This is the context in which twisted revenge-seekers make no other demand than that U.S. citizens share their pain.
    A blinking message is up on our collective video-game console: game over.”

    maybe nel and her delusional little friends should read it through. literacy is gernally considered a good thing.

  8. Nel i very much believe in freedom of speech but when what you have to say is hurtful, cruel and very untrue keep your mouth shut! Your comment is full of untrue prejudice remarks and it is because of people like you that racism and prejudice is still alive. Your comment has highlighted your ignorance and narrow mindedness and i do hope you feel as stupid as you have made yourself look

  9. Nel,
    Freedom of speech is one thing, but if you will abuse of it and insult innocent people then i am afraid you are seriously miguided. You are the sort of person that with your comments ignites this sort of hatred. And if you believe so strongly in what you say, then why don’t you apply it to the jews who have been massacring innocent Palestinians for decades?
    But no you’d rather suit the rules to yourself, and hide behind this self created barrier of “Freedom of Speech”.
    I don’t advocate violence. I don’t hate people for their race or religion. If one person from a certain group does something wrong, then the rest of his people are not to blame for it.
    And another thing. Don’t you dare insult Saima again, you blind idiot. She has far more sense than you and anyone who may think in your contorted fashion.

  10. For once, let’s just forget that Muslims from some areas of Pakistan, Egypt and Afghanistan are radical idiots who pervert the founding beliefs of the religion they claim to fight for. Let’s forget the US and their dodgy interaction in other country’s lives for the sake of the almighty daughter. That is NOT what is going on here!!! This was about murderous barbaric terrorism by hateful people. You CANNOT lump every Muslim in the world into the terrorist group anymore than you can consider every Christian in America a bigoted hateful asshole because Jerry Falwell is. Its just not logical. To assume any such thing is to prove yourself not so intelligent.
    Right now, Muslims and Christians alike, Americans and Palestinians, Atheists and even Fundamentalists, all over the world are crying themselves to sleep for 5000+ strangers’ deaths.
    Man, they will give an email account out to anyone these days…

  11. Nel, I truly feel sorry for you. You are misguided by your anger at such an atrocious act. Islam, like Christianity or Judaism, preaches against the killing of innocent people. These sick and cruel people may say they murder people for the sake of religion, but it is nothing to do with religion. They get a kick out of destroying families, killing sons, daughters, brothers and sisters, and parents. Please believe me when I say that the vast majority of Muslims are as devastated as you are when we heard about the terrible news. We would never wish this to happen to anyone. True Islam preaches the freedom of speech, unfortunately most, if not all so-called Muslim governments throughout the world suppress this freedom. No “Muslim” country that I know truly enforces Islamic laws. Most of them are hypocritical, enforcing one law for one group and another law for the other. I don’t wish to point a finger on any group – let the authorities do their investigation and make their conclusions. I hope that you and those who hold similar views about vastly peace loving people think about what we have said

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