A woo hoo

COMMENTS ARE WORKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It seems it WAS my host playing silly beggars. Nice of them to finally reply to my pachillionth support request and admit that it was a problem with them and not the permissions on my CGI scripts.
So what does this all mean? Now you can write about all those burning issues that you’ve been storing up for six months, comment on all the highly interesting things I’ve been writing about and just generally tell me how much you love me. That’s always nice.


  1. Trying to think of something better than ‘first one here’ but getting nothing.
    How about…
    I Love this Site 🙂

  2. NoMojoPin: I think the site feels the same way about you.
    Anil: I’ll let you off the hook this time, but next entry, you better think of something super smart. (Thanks for the offer of help earlier 🙂 )

  3. Marriage Rocks!
    Unless you were one of Oscar Wilde’s wives, in which case marriage was always on the rocks.
    Ladies, don’t make the same mistake with Tom Cruise…pssst, I’m talking to you Holmes.
    Think about it, at least with Oscar Wilde, you got to hear his mind blowing musings and observations but with Cruise, all you’ll get is a daily pitch on Scientology.
    meh, go complete yourself Cruise
    Rant over (I didn’t even know when it began :/)

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