Faisal asks:
In your personal gay-icon hall of fame, who comes higher, Eddie Izzard or Sir Graham Norton?
That’s a toughie. I enjoy the vulgar humour and cuteness of Sir Graham Norton yet I love the dry sarky wit of Izzard. So I’ll go with Graham Norton.
Do you think you’d be a Muslim if you’d not been born into the religion?
I’d like to think so. Hopefully. Luckily I was born one so problem solved.
What would you buy first with your first proper paycheck?
A nicer car and more shoes, whoopee!
What should I buy? With mine that is, not yours.
A nicer car and more shoes, for meeee!
If you could ask yourself a question, the answer of which would be interesting, revealing and insightful to me, what would it be? And what about the answer?
We’ve debated that this is in fact two questions. I’d ask if I like lollipops and the answer would be yes.