London is at a stand still and I’m not allowed to log in from home into the work network due to server overload. Woe is me(!)
Year: 2009
Last Year of my Twenties
29!! Geez, where have my twenties gone?! Anyway, besides that I think this blog going to go in a different direction going forward. More designy…make sure you stick around! By the way, I so could have been in this ad (which is being shown EVERYWHERE): I saw these cool, young hipsters standing around in… Continue reading Last Year of my Twenties
Failed Podcast Launch 2007
So in a moment of madness back in 2007 I decided to record a podcasting session called The Saima Says Show with one of the younger sisters. It came out crap so we canned it and moved on with our lives. I recently just listened to it again and the first part is cringeworthy and… Continue reading Failed Podcast Launch 2007
YS Chronicles Returns
Me: You’re mean! YS III: And racist, don’t forget that.
Hajj was amazing! More to follow.