The girls and I have been going crazy over the Modalu Heart Cross Body Bag this weekend. Ok, it’s £68 but it would go with so many outfits, you’d surely get your money’s worth, right? Umm, I’ll convince myself somehow! I put some ideas together for an outfit and I think this going out ensemble… Continue reading Be Mine
Year: 2009
I’m a terrible Londoner who should know how unpredictable the weather can be around these parts. When I left work today it was snowing; I had no gloves, stupid shoes on and no umbrella! I had to splash out £18 for an umbrella from Accessorize; way more than I’d normally spend but desperate times… I… Continue reading Umbrella-ella-ella
Vintage Finds on Etsy
I’m going vintage crazy at the moment and it’s all Etsy’s fault. Not only are these olde worlde goods fab but you’re helping the environment too by recycling; bonus! This pink and brown sugar and creamer set has made it onto my wishlist recently. I love this colour combination (it was the theme for my… Continue reading Vintage Finds on Etsy
Valentine Gifts for a Domestic Goddess
I heard someone on the radio say that Valentine’s Day is “looming”; a bit sinister dontcha think?! Well here are some heart themed gifts to bring the sweetness back into your weekend. (I think the heart plates would look just as nice as decor on a kitchen wall.) Hearty Tea Pot Set – $140 (delivery to… Continue reading Valentine Gifts for a Domestic Goddess
Wellies for Winter
Given the amount of snow in London over the last week, I thought it’d be a good idea to hunt out some suitable snow boots; without sacrificing on style of course! I’ve seen a lot of people sporting wellington boots for the treacherous commute to and from work. Here are my top four choices of… Continue reading Wellies for Winter
Winter Vegetable Soup
Today is definitely soup weather so I came home today armed with some in-season veggies with the aim of making my first ever soup. I read a few recipes to get an idea of how to tackle this but it’s all very straight forward and by my reckoning you can substitute with many other vegetables.… Continue reading Winter Vegetable Soup