Woolworths have reduced all their download singles from 79 pence to 67 pence each. Take that iTunes!
Year: 2005
This weekend was a “make lots of greetings cards” weekend. Amongst other things of course.
YS Chronicles returns
Cousin: I think Mos Def is so good looking. Younger sister: You must be Mos Blind.
Yay or nay
It snowed today, yay. It didn’t settle, boo.
Pancake Day
I set a bored writer friend a challenge today. Write a poem briefly explaining the origin of Pancake Day without using the words pancake, Tuesday and flip….and this is what she came up with: In the days of yore, on the day before Wednesday The people were as happy as the birds in the skies… Continue reading Pancake Day
Quarter of a Century
I’m 25. And it feels alright. More later.