Year: 2000
Life is full of bitter ironies. Like that time I missed my favourite programme, ‘The 11 o’clock Show’ because it was on at 10.20pm.
There’s talent and then there’s this guy. I’m mucho impressed, I hope he gets well soon.
Matter of Time
Wooo, they named a park after me, it was bound to happen sooner or later.
If there’s one thing I can’t stand its gossipers. And unfortunately they’re proficient in this neighbourhood. They’ll ‘prove’ to you that so-and-so is going out with so-and-so…how? Well because their friend’s cousins dog’s wife’s nephew saw them together of course. What more evidence do we need? They’ll gather around at someone’s house, ready, steady, go!… Continue reading Gossip
Alpha Foxtrot
I was speaking to a customer today at work (a total of 77 of the critters) and when I asked for her postcode she quoted ‘GU23 1DG, and by the way, that’s D for Freddy’. I guess she must have been a taught a different alphabet from the rest of us, bless her. It’s those… Continue reading Alpha Foxtrot