Pretty Boy

The irony. Most of the men on the Most Beautiful Man site look like big girl’s blouses.

Categorised as General

Kick you in the Head

I thought we’d left ‘teacher’s pets’ behind in infant school but apparently they’re still allowed to exist at university level. “But Dr. Flababa, wouldn’t you say that this should be blah blah blah di blah blah?” Yes, please ask more meaningless questions that you know the answer to and you’re just asking so everyone will… Continue reading Kick you in the Head

Categorised as General

Was there a Scientific Renaissance? (Or don't read this unless you have lots of time on your hands)

[Printable Version] The Renaissance has been defined as a rebirth of knowledge and revival of art and literature originating in Italy in the fifteenth century. This revival led to the revolution in the arts, which had an immense effect on the “understanding of the world of nature”. A revolution in physics and astronomy changed Western… Continue reading Was there a Scientific Renaissance? (Or don't read this unless you have lots of time on your hands)