As you can see from the right hand side, I now have a “Currently” section. This is basically a badge from Twitter that automatically updates when I do. If you’ve tried doing the same and haven’t had any success using the code from the Twitter website, you’re not alone. The Javascript code on the website uses .relative_created_at; instead of .created_at; like it should. Without fixing it, the date comes out as “undefined”.
Even after amending that however, the date is in a less than desirable format. I used Jon Aquino’s script and amended it to suit my needs. If you mess around with it you can do all sorts of things like link to individual statuses. All I wanted was to get rid of the list elements and just show one update at a time. You’re free to nick my amended code if you like. Remember to change the user_timeline (in bold) to your own.
<script type=”text/javascript”>
var elapsedTime = function(createdAt) {
var ageInSeconds = (new Date().getTime() – new Date(createdAt).getTime()) / 1000;
var s = function(n) { return n == 1 ? ” : ‘s’ };
if (ageInSeconds < 0) {
return 'just now';
if (ageInSeconds < 60) {
var n = ageInSeconds;
return n + ' second' + s(n) + ' ago';
if (ageInSeconds < 60 * 60) {
var n = Math.floor(ageInSeconds/60);
return n + ' minute' + s(n) + ' ago';
if (ageInSeconds < 60 * 60 * 24) {
var n = Math.floor(ageInSeconds/60/60);
return n + ' hour' + s(n) + ' ago';
if (ageInSeconds < 60 * 60 * 24 * 7) {
var n = Math.floor(ageInSeconds/60/60/24);
return n + ' day' + s(n) + ' ago';
if (ageInSeconds < 60 * 60 * 24 * 31) {
var n = Math.floor(ageInSeconds/60/60/24/7);
return n + ' week' + s(n) + ' ago';
if (ageInSeconds < 60 * 60 * 24 * 365) {
var n = Math.floor(ageInSeconds/60/60/24/31);
return n + ' month' + s(n) + ' ago';
var n = Math.floor(ageInSeconds/60/60/24/365);
return n + ' year' + s(n) + ' ago';
// Make date parseable in IE [Jon Aquino 2007-03-29]
function fixDate(d) {
var a = d.split(' ');
var year = a.pop();
return a.slice(0, 3).concat([year]).concat(a.slice(3)).join(' ');
function twitterCallback(obj) {
var html = '';
for (var i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
html += '' + obj[i].text + ' (updated ' + elapsedTime(fixDate(obj[i].created_at)) + ')'; = obj[i].created_at;
document.getElementById('twitter_list').innerHTML = html;
<span id=”twitter_list”></span>
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”″></script>
Comments are closed.
weeeell i gave twitter another shot and all of a sudden the SMS bit seems to work. not impressed with the twitter badge so i think i’ll nick this code, ta very much!
Welcome to the madness!! (This is the 3000th comment on Saima Says btw!)
wait, is your comment the 3000th or mine? if it’s mine do i get a prize? do i?
The blog’s overall 3000th comment 🙂
ooh, i know that, but did you make the blog’s 3000th comment or did i? anyway that’s beside the point, innit? 3000 comments! bloody hell, well done!
Oh! I did 🙂 And thanks!