I managed to stay awake today for a grand total of 5 and a half hours. No I’m not incredibly lazy (though people close to me could argue that), I am just feeling very unwell. This means that I won’t be blogging as much, or maybe the opposite in fact since I’ll be bored lying around all day.Anyway, I feel woozy again so here’s an semi-true urban legend to sink your teeth into:
At the census office in Canberra they were working out the figures and statistics for the last census and they found out that there was this little town on the coast not too far north of Sydney where the birthrate was three times the average for all the rest of Australia. This was so unusual the Government Statistician sent a bloke there to try to find out about it.
When he got there it was true, all right. There were bloody kids everywhere. Even the local school had those temporary classrooms all over the place to fit them in and they had a special maternity wing at the local hospital. This bloke was a bit mystified for a couple of days. The people there didn’t seem different from folk in all the other little towns around the place. It took him about three nights there to work out what was happening.
This town was on the main railway line. The road crossed the line just north of the town and then crossed back about half-a-mile south again. The Kyogle Mail used to reach there and go through about half-past-four every morning. When it hit the road crossing it used to blow its whistle very loud, and wake everybody in the place, and then just when they’d be dropping off again it’d blow for the other crossing and wake them all up again. Well, it was too early to get up but it was hardly worth while going back to sleep again, so they had to fill the time till it was time to get up. That’s what that bloke reckoned.