I had the great privilege of attending a photography course run by none other than Peter Sanders. It was a fantastic day where he ran through how he got into photography, gave us some pointers, baffled me with some technical information and then sent us all out into the city of London to take photos based around three themes:
Beauty in the City
Humour in the City
Stillness in the City
I managed to take lots of photos and was ready to make my way back to the building we were based in. As I tried to make my way through a sea of tourists milling past Big Ben, a bride and groom walked by, in full wedding attire! I couldn’t believe my luck so started taking photos of them. They were gracious and kind enough to pose for some of them for me. I said congratulations and was on my way, happier than an ickle bunny to have had the opportunity to photograph such a Kodak moment. Talk about being in the right place at the right time.
I did however miss the chance to take a photo of about 15 women dressed as nuns running down the stairs at Kings Cross train station. You can’t win them all though.