When I grow up, I want a house just like this.
I'm Pants
So I’ve been very rubbish with updates for, ooh, about a year? I keep meaning to get my act together but it nevers happens. Why? ‘Cos I’m too busy enjoying life right now. Anyway, in the meantime (how much “meantime” I don’t know) you can check out my lazy man’s version of a blog here:… Continue reading I'm Pants
The name of Mariah Carey’s new album. Einstein must be rolling in his grave.
I Am Legend. Kinda.
My dad once said to me “only a fool thinks he has enough time to make all his own mistakes”. He first said that to me when I was quite young but it’s stayed with me for a long time. Wise words. So today, in a moment of genius, my very own tell-the-children-quotable-for-years phrase popped into… Continue reading I Am Legend. Kinda.
Food has been the theme of this Easter weekend and it has not only been about the chocolate. We had a dinner party with friends and family and I made Thai food; adventurous but thankfully not foolishly so. I’m not used to eating such excessively rich food anymore and I’m surprised at how much I want to… Continue reading Food
I like olives. But only in theory.