Hajj was amazing! More to follow.
Hajj update 1
Short update: we’re well!
Keep Bowling
Hajj 1429
I’ve sent emails out to most folks by now to let them know that I’m off to perform Hajj next week with my family. So Hajj eh? What’s it all about? I’ll let Wiki take this one. I’m kind of nervous really, mainly for my parents who are coming with me. How will they cope… Continue reading Hajj 1429
Eight Years Old
I got a Berocca Blogger Relief Kit in the post yesterday and it reminded me, oh yeah, I have a blog! Then I remembered I missed its eighth birthday and I nearly cried. Nearly.
That's just how ENTJs roll
The Jung Typology Test has been rocking the hizzouse lately. We’ve taken the test (more than once), matched it to the Keirsey Temperaments table, pretty much analysed it to death and laughed/cried at the results. And then we’ve made our family take the test too and laughed some more. My sister and I came out as Field Marshals which… Continue reading That's just how ENTJs roll