After months of seeing this link everywhere I decided to visit. Smart site by a smart guy. Plus he only lives a wee bit away from me.
Lame Snow
It snowed again. Well actually it doesn’t deserved to be called snow, it was a poor excuse for snow. More like slush really. It’s ten times worse than rain though. More wet, much more cold and you slip around the ground like a maniac. Just another thing to put on my list ‘The Joy of… Continue reading Lame Snow
Two Days
Count it folks, two days till my birthday.
There be gremlins in me blog! I’ve been struggling with this site since yesterday and frankly I’ve reached the end of my tether (whatever my tether actually is). If it’s not fixed then forget it. That’s actually a false statement, I know I’ll probably keep trying to fix it. This web thing is a disease… Continue reading Gremlins
Everything you wanted to know (and way too much more) about the @ sign.
Crap Haiku
I want to write one, A haiku that makes you laugh, But I can’t, I’m crap.