My youngest sister was doing her homework the other day; a project on cakes for Home Economics..Cookery…How to Microwave Ready Meals 101 or whatever they call that class these days. She was making a list of the different type of cakes one can consume and caused quite a stir when she wanted to write in Jaffa cakes.
“They’re not a cake, they’re a biscuit!” was the cry to be heard around the room.
Of course, I had to correct them all and told them the story of when McVities took on the mighty Customs & Excise to prove that Jaffa cakes are in fact a cake and not a chocolate covered biscuit for VAT purposes. A thrilling tale involving 12″ Jaffa cakes and zero-rated goods. I mean you’d be enthralled if I told you this story surely? You see no reason why my entire family feigned yawns and snores right? Thought as much.
Whilst we’re on the subject, here are some more unusual items that are VAT exempt. And they say us accountants are boring.
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So does this extend to baking things in a cake? For instance I want to purchase a new PC, so if I was to have the company bake the PC into a cake would it be VAT exempt?
I wonder who got to take the 12″ Jaffa home?
you’re absolutely sure it’s a cake?
I knew that Jaffa cakes were a cake, I mean it’s in the name!!!
Melo, so wise at such a young age.
I’m absolutely sure they’re cakes, it’s been proved in court!
I love the film seabiscuit. that was a horse not a biscuit, but no court case was needed as everyone could see it was not a biscuit if that makes sense.
yeh melos rite its in the name! and there is no hard bit wich is normally in bicits innnit!