I often wonder about you reader. I wonder who you are, what your name is if you’re using a pseudonym. I wonder how old you are and where you’re from. I wonder what you do for a living and what car you drive. I wonder what your family is like and what you look like. I wonder who you fancy and what you think about cloning. But most importantly I wonder what your favourite ice cream flavour is.
So tell me. Tell me all.
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rocky road with added chocolate chips, almonds and cherries. some extra marshmallow too! you can go into diabetic shock just thinking about it. (all other things you know already.)
Names actually Syed Sami Ullah Shah. I shorten it because the Syed part is unnecessary and the Ullah part set me up for alot of “Tullah!” jokes as a kid.
23 years old now (24 in a few months!), from Karachi. Graduating with a double degree in English and Digital Media and still looking for a job. No car, I prefer walking. Fancy an old friend who is in London right now and think cloning is morally questionable but (at least in its current stages) scientifically viable.
I am a classicist when it comes to Ice-cream. Vanilla by Haagen Dasz. Nothing fancy, the best by virtue of its simplicity.
Real Name: Brethren 01 – Age: 114 From: Victorian London – Job: Writer/Flower arranger Drive: X5 pimp mobile and on the weekends a horse and cart, I like the old school mobiles! Family is crazeee! I fancy no one, men are…. I don’t eat Ice cream, like grapes, its a bit of a luxury!
Tahira, it’s a good thing I actually know you or would have totally believed you! Seriously I would have! Especially your age 🙂
Wow, you want to know about ME? I’m flattered … sort of. My name is Mohamed A Elhassan, born in the UK but Sudanese by nationality. a brother and a sister, apprentice mad scientist by trade, corolla to drive, typical translated family but all over the place if you get my drift. I’d tell you who I fancy but the list is far too long plus I am quite shy, and I think cloning is last weeks controversy…. oh yeah and I like vanilla praline ice cream … or butter praline! YUM!
I’m actually called Robyn but I have another name that no one knows about; I’m 26, from Sussex, supplanted to London; I’m a struggling creative and I have no car; my family is sprawling, global and generally nice; I’m small and beige; whom I fancy is top super maxi secret; I’m against cloning unless it applies to the person I fancy, and my favourite ice cream is pistachio, which you can rarely find in this country.
I hear ya Robyn, struggling to be creative in this crazee world!
Robyn!! I love you I do. Must remember to add your site to the links. I keep having to type it in manually. Way too much work.
Yep, and then yuo end up at robyn.com which is never good. Saturday night, dum-di-dum-di-da-do-dah..
you don’t know me….. but i know you! heh.. heh.. heh…..
Huh?? Ammar I do know you!! Infact I know EVERYTHING about you 😉
This is such an obvious ploy to find potential marriage candidates; “how old you are/what you do for a living/what your family is like/what you look like”,
need i say anymore? and you thought you could fool us, well, judging by the above responses you did, ahh but not me, not me I tells ya!
However, i can offer you my views on cloning, and I am actually in a position to comment from an academic background (ie. i’ve seen the films “Multiplicity”/”Twins” etc.)
and i rather like the idea, think about it, cloning could provide you with that handy alibi you’ve always wanted! (i know id appreciate this benefit) Although, it would have some drawbacks, for example, it could make the Olympics boring (even more so than it is already), imagine it… “for the 200m, in lane 1 we have Michael Johnson, lane 2 Michael Johnson, lane 3….. I think you catch my drift. No? (sends you a pile of snow) How about now?
And unfortunately, im not a ice cream connoisseur (i know, im so not cool) as ive only tried a few flavours, but i do like mint chocolate chip.
ps – no, i dont use a pseudonym, thats actually my real name.
It’s so not a ploy to find a husband! I know who I’m going to marry already 🙂
you know who you’re going to marry already? i’m devastated.
sniff. how could you do this to us!
I am Rebecca, 17 year old chocolate ice cream fanatic. Just plain chocolate, nothing special.
Well you know me, but as far as ice cream is concerned, i prefer plain vanilla and sometimes, when i’m in the mood, i’ll probably go for some chocolate.
I don’t really, I just say that to avoid the topic of marriage. Usually works.
• been on the road for: a score&three more years
• real nom: same as of a god who was known for coterie of wimmen always around him
• O—>
• now showing at: 28.38 N; 77.12 E
• fav flavour: anything dammit, so long as it is ice cream
• been told i am a journo, mez not too sure tho
• rest of the Qs i cannot be bothered ab’t 😉
avoid the topic? girl, that’s like commiting suicide because that will bring about another barrage of questions like who is he, what does he look like, how much does he earn blah blah
Well I think it was a marriage related ploy, your questions were like the muslim parent’s version of the “asl”.
er.. thank you for reading. move along now.. nothing to see here. heh
oops! forgot to tell you, i’m now driving a 1983 porsche 911 sc. mint condition (except for the sunroof, which won’t open all the way)
Thank you Adnan 🙂
Nice care Will. I’ll bring the tools round, we’ll have the sunroof fixed in a jiffy.
Uhh, hello. I just stumbled upon your site. Looks nice 😀
I’m Cindy, just turned 20 last month 🙁
I’m from Toronto, Canada.
I don’t work, I don’t drive.
My family? Uhh…
Oh and I like Baskin Robbins’ Pralines and Cream.