Once again I lose the ‘dibs’ battle. If you’re not from my side of town you’ll be forgiven for not knowing what one of those is. Well, in layman’s terms (trying to sound all knowledgable and stuff) it is like when you call shotgun but can be used for anything. “I dibs first in the shower!” “I dibs second.” “…….I dibs last….”
“I dibs first choice on the telly!” “Oh you always dib first!” “No I bloody don’t!” “Oh for Gawd’s sake, I never get….” You get the general idea. The last to dib is usually me and most probably followed with whining and moaning (and subsequently writing about it on my blog).
Dibs aside, we have a fair bit of slang. It is this slang that I so readily used in my younger years (before my English teacher beat it out of me) that is making me feel so old these days. “Innit” is so old skool it’s uncool. “Allow it” and “bear” are making their way into everyday life and I hate to say it but I despise it. It makes me cringe. It makes me want to rip my ears off with a rusty fork. And a teensy bit of that hatred is because the young ‘uns are using it and I only hear about them when they’re on their way to the “unhip” pile.
I need to stop doing a double take when someone says “allow it” or my hip and happening image will go straight out of the bleating window.
And: Everyone should have an Andre.
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“Innit” won’t die in Birmingham. I suppose it’s partly my fault…(Though I have to add I use it more in emails and on my blog than saying it out loud.)
[Quote]”Innit” is so old skool it’s uncool. “Allow it” and “bear” are making their way into everyday life and I hate to say it but I despise it. [/Quote]
lol-SO true. In college everyone seems to be using Slang now a days, even the Proper clever people! I guess it’s how language is changing..
“Innit” People I recommend andrex toilet paper instead of “Andre” and if ur a paki like mua then u get discounts but one pack get the rest free…aa2552ph
And pray for the pakis next month when they play the white mohicans in the Natwest series stand to loose “$” if we blog up like we normally do!
bab / baba Verb. To defecate. [Yorkshire/Hull/Nottinghamshire use]
Noun. Faeces. [Yorkshire/Hull/Nottinghamshire use]
* Also spelt babber.
babby Noun. A baby, child. [northern dialect/Irish]
babe Noun. Usually applied to a young attractive female but also said with reference to males. [Orig. U.S.]
babe magnet Noun. An attractive or sexually desirable male. [Orig. U.S.]
baboon Noun. An oaf, a fool.
baby gravy Noun. Semen.
backdoor Noun. A euphemism for the anus. [Orig. U.S.]
backhander Noun. A bribe.
backie Noun. A pillion ride on a bycycle.
back passage Noun. The rectum. {Informal}
back scuttle Noun. Anal intercourse.
Verb. To have anal intercourse.
backs to the wall Phrs. A homophobic comment and warning to fellow heterosexuals that contact with a gay male is likely or happening. From the misconception that all gay males will endevour, or want to have anal intercourse with any male. Derog.
backy Noun. Abb. of tobacco. Another variation is Backo.
bacon sarnie Noun. Pakistani. Rhyming slang. See ‘sarnie’.
bad Adj. Good, excellent. [Orig. U.S.]
bad egg Noun. A miscreant, a corrupt person, an untrustworthy person. Cf. ‘good egg’.
badger Verb. To bother incessantly. E.g.”Stop badgering her, she’s not interested in buying another pair of your cheap trainers.”
bad hair day Noun. 1. A day when one is unable to arrange one’s hair into a satisfactory and pleasing style.
2. Used figuratively for a problematic and difficult day.
badly packed kebab Noun. The female genitals. [1990s]
bad mouth Verb. To insult or denigrate. [Orig. U.S.]
bad news Noun. A troublesome person.
baffies Noun. Slippers. [Scottish use]
bag Noun. 1. An ugly woman. Cf. ‘old bag’. Derog.
2. An objectionable and unpleasant person.
3. Meaning that which interests. E.g.”What’s your bag ? Mine is dance music.” [Orig. U.S. 1960s]
4. The scrotum.
Suffix. A suffix that emphasises the essential undesirable nature of a person in perjorative nouns such as ‘tossbag’, ‘shitbag’, ‘ratbag’ etc.
bag (of sand) Noun. £1000, a thousand pounds sterling. Rhyming slang on a ‘grand’. Often shortened to bag.
baggin(g) Noun. A snack or food taken between meals. Heard pronounced as baggin. [Lancs/Yorks use]
bag lady Noun. A homeless woman who carries her worldly possessions in bags.
bag of bones Noun. A very thin or emaciated person or animal.
bag off Verb. A less usual version of ‘cop’ (verb 1.).
bags Verb. To claim as one’s own due to being the first to make such a claim. E.g.”Bags I go first.” {Informal}.
Noun. Trousers. {Informal}.
bagsy Verb. A variation on ‘bags'(verb). Basically meaning bags I.
bahookie Noun. The backside, ‘arse’. [Glasgow use]
ball and chain Noun. A wife or girlfriend. Derog.
ball-bag Noun. The scrotum.
ballocks (!) Noun. 1. The testicles. A variation on ‘bollocks’. S.E. from 1200s, slang from mid 1800s. Cf. ‘bollocks’.
2. Rubbish, nonsense.
Exclam. An exclamation of annoyance, disbelief or disagreement.
balls (!) Noun. 1. Testicles. Usually in plural.
2. Courage, in for example, “She hasn’t got the balls to tell him the truth.”
3. Rubbish, nonsense.
Exclam. Expressing annoyance.
ballsed-up Adj. Ruined, in a mess.
balls (something) up Verb. To make a mess of a situation.
balls-up Noun. A mess up, a ‘cock-up’. E.g.”I’ve made a right balls-up of my exams.”
Verb. To make a mess of a situation.
balm Noun. A bread bun or roll. Cf. ‘balmcake’.
balmy Adj. Insane, crazy. A derivative of the earlier ‘barmy.’
baloney Noun. Nonsense. Also spelt boloney. [Orig. U.S.]
baltic Adj. Very cold, with respect to the weather or air temperature. [Orig. U.S.]
bam Noun. A foolish and objectionable person. Abbreviated form of ‘bampot’. Derog. [Scottish use]
bamboozle Verb. To confuse, to mystify.
bampot Noun. A foolish and objectionable person. Cf. ‘bam’ and ‘bamstick’. Derog. [Scottish use]
bamstick Noun. A foolish and objectionable person. Cf. ‘bam’ and ‘bampot’. Derog. [Scottish use]
banana Noun. A penis.
bananas Adj. Insane, mad, hysterical. [Orig. U.S.]
bang Verb. 1. To copulate. A particularly aggressive term.
2. To put or place, the implication being with nonchalence. E.g.”I’ll bang those in an envelope and send them off first post in the morning.”
Noun. An act of copulation.
banger Noun. 1. A sausage.
2. A delapidated car.
3. A firework that is explosively loud but visually unstimulating.
banging Adj. Exciting, energetic, wonderful, excellent. Usually pronounced ‘bangin’
bang on Adj./Adv. Exactly, correct. {Informal}.
bang on about (something) Vrb phrs. To talk incessantly and uninterestingly, to nag. E.g.”You’re not going to change my mind by banging on about it!”
bang one out Vrb phrs. To masturbate. E.g.”I watched Miss World on TV and banged one out before my mum came home.”
bang out of order Phrs. Totally unacceptable.
bang to rights Phrs. Caught red-handed. Police/criminal vernacular often heard used jocularly.
bang (someone) up Verb. 1. To put (someone) in prison. {Informal}.
2. To make (someone) pregnant.
banjax Verb. To ruin. [Mainly Irish use.]
banjaxed Adj. 1. Ruined, defeated. Originally Anglo-Irish use, popularized by the UK radio/TV presenter Terry Wogan with his book of the same name.
2. Drunk, by extension of meaning 1.
banjo Verb. To hit or punch. [Scottish use]
banjo’d Adj. Drunk, intoxicated.
banko Noun. Abb. of bank holiday, (a national holiday).
baps Noun. Breasts.
barbie Noun. Abb. of barbecue. [Orig. Aust.]
barbs Noun. Abb. of barbituates.
Barclay’s (Bank) Noun. An act of masturbation. From the rhyming slang for ‘wank’.
barf Verb. To vomit, probably onomatapoeic in origin. E.g.”He’s feeling woozy, I think he’s gonna barf his dinner up.” [1940/50s U.S.]
barking Adj. Insane. Short for barking mad.
barmcake Noun. 1. A lighthearted term for a fool or idiot.
2. A bread bun.
barmpot Noun. A silly person. A lighted-hearted expression.
barmy Adj. Mad, crazy, insane. Cf. ‘balmy’. [1600s]
barnet Noun. Hair. From the Cockney rhyming slang barnet fair. [Mid 1800s]
barney Noun. An argument. {Informal}
barney (rubble) Adj. Trouble. Rhyming slang. [1960s]
barry Adj. Good, nice. [Edinburgh use]
Barry White Noun. 1. Rubbish, nonsense.
2. An act of defecation.
* Both uses are rhyming slang on ‘shite’ (shit). See ‘shite’. Barry White, U.S. soul singer who came to the fore in the 1970s.
bar steward Noun. A pun on ‘bastard’.
bash Noun. 1. An event, a party. E.g.”I’m having a bash at a club for my birthday.”
2. An attempt. E.g.”Try having a bash at the next question if you can’t answer the first.”
bash the bishop Vrb phrs. To masturbate. Jocular male terminology. Derived from the similarity of the head of the penis with a bishop’s mitre.
basket Noun. A euphemism for ‘bastard’.
basket case Noun. A lunatic, an emotionally unstable person, a dysfunctional person. [Orig. U.S.]
bastard (!) Noun. 1. A contemptible person. Derog. Derived from the original meaning, an illegitimate person, when to be born out of wedlock was viewed as objectionable.
2. A pitiable person. E.g.”That poor bastard never stood a chance once the avalanche started.”
Adj. Used as an negative intensifier. E.g.”My bastard car wont start again!”
Exclam. Exclamation of anger.
bastarding Adj. An intensifier. E.g.”I’m sorry I’m late, I missed the bastarding bus again”.
bat for both sides Vrb phrs. To be bisexual.
bathers Noun. Swimming/bathing costume. {Informal}. [Orig. Aust./N.Z.]
bat in the cave Noun. Nasal mucus that is visible up a nostril.
bat on a sticky wicket Vrb phrs. To put oneself in a difficult and unfavourable position.
battered Adj. Very intoxicated by drink or drugs.
battle cruiser Noun. A pub, bar. From rhyming slang for ‘boozer’. See ‘boozer’ (noun 1).
batty Adj. Crazy, eccentric.
Noun. Buttocks, bottom. [Orig. W.I.]
batty-boy Noun. A homosexual male. From batty meaning buttocks. Also spelt batty-bwoy. Derog. [Orig. West Indies]
batty rider Noun. Skimpy shorts that ‘ride’ up to expose the wearers bottom (‘batty’) cheeks, usually female attire. [West Indies/Black UK?]
baw-bag Noun. 1. The scrotum. From ‘ball-bag’. [Scottish use]
2. A contemptible person. [Scottish use]
bazzin’ Adj. Excellent. E.g.”That was a bazzin cricket match.” [Midlands/North use?]
beach-bum Noun. A person devoted to spending as much time as available on the beach.
beakie Noun. The dirt or bodily secretions that accumulate at the corner of the eyes or between the toes. [Scottish use.]
bean Noun. An ecstasy pill.
bean-flicker Noun. A lesbian. The bean refers to the clitoris.
bear Noun. A gay term for a large hairy male.
beard Noun. A woman who is romantically associated with a gay man, so protecting his true sexuality from public scrutiny; usually asociated with celebrities. [Orig U.S.]
bearded clam Noun. The female genitals, inclusive of pubic hair.
beast with two backs Noun. The imaginatively named figure that represents a couple during sex. Jocular usage.
beat seven shades of shit out of someone Vrb phrs. To thoroughly beat up.
beaver Noun. The female genitals, implying the inclusion of pubic hair. [Orig. U.S.]
Verb To work hard. {Informal}.
beaver cleaver Noun. Penis. See ‘beaver’ (noun).
beaver leaver Noun. A homosexual male. Due to not being interested in ‘beaver’. See ‘beaver’ (noun).
beaver lever Noun. Penis. See ‘beaver’ (noun).
beddable Adj. Sexually desirable, from being good enough to take to bed.
Bedfordshire Noun. Bed or bedtime. [1700s]
bedsit Noun. Abb. of bed-sitter or bed-sitting room. A small apartment whereby the bedroom also serves as a sitting room (living room). {Informal}
(the) Beeb Noun. The commonly used nickname for the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation), the nationally owned television production and broadcasting company. {Informal}.
beef Noun. 1. Muscly, strong looking males. {Informal}.
2. A complaint. E.g.”If you’ve got a beef about the decision, then fill in the appropriate forms.”
beef bayonet Noun. The penis.
beef curtains Noun. The female genitals. [Orig. U.S.]
beef (something) up Vrb phrs. To increase in size or volume; basically to make stronger.
beemer Noun. A BMW automobile. Cf. ‘bimmer’.
beer goggles Noun. The imaginary spectacles/glasses (goggles) that one wears after an over-indulgence in alcohol (beer), and that make an otherwise unappealing person seem sexually desirable. E.g.”I was obviously wearing beer goggles last night; when I awoke and saw who I’d brought home the previous night I nearly threw up… she had 3 eyes, a beard and no nose.”
beer tokens Noun. Money.
bee’s knees Noun. The best. This term originates from the prolific slang of the Flappers along with the similar ‘cats whiskers’. Cf. ‘dogs bollocks’. [Orig. U.S. 1920s]
bee stings Noun. Small breasts. Derog.
beetle Verb. To hurry about. E.g.”I’m just spent 2 hours beetling around the shopping precinct looking for a gift for Mick.” {Informal}
beggar Noun. Euphemism for ‘bugger’.
begging for it Vrb phrs. A general comment on a person’s supposed, if not actual, yearning for sexual intimacies. E.g.”Cor, look at her! She’s begging for it.”
bejesus! Exclam. An Anglo-Irish corruption of the exclamation by Jesus! Expressing surprise or annoyance.
bell Verb. To telephone (someone). E.g.”I’ll bell you tonight with the news.”
bell-end Noun. The head of the penis, being vaguely bell shaped.
belly-ache Noun. A complaint. {Informal}.
Verb. To complain persistently.
belt Verb. To hit.
Noun. 1. A hit. E.g.”If you don’t shut up moaning I’ll give you a belt ’round the head.”
2. A drink, by extension of meaning 1. E.g.”Have a belt of that brandy, it’ll warm you up.”
belter Noun. An excellent thing or event. [Orig. Northern dialect.]
belting Adj. Outstanding, wonderful. {Informal}.
belt up! Verb. Be quiet! Shut up!
bender Noun. 1. An excessive bout of drinking, but more recently also inclusive of a drug taking spree. [Orig. U.S.]
2. A homosexual. Possibly derived from gender bender, or from being the passive partner, bending over to receive sex, as opposed to being the thruster. Derog.
bend one’s elbow Vrb phrs. To have an alcoholic drink.
bend someone’s ear Vrb phrs. To talk incessantly and tediously.
bent Adj. 1. Homosexual, as opposed to ‘straight’. Derog. [Mid 1900s]
2. Criminal, corrupt. E.g.”You can usually buy your freedom; the cops are bent and paid poorly.” [Early 1900s]
3. Illegal, stolen. E.g.”I’m not touching that video, it’s bent.” [Early 1900s]
bent as a bottle of chips Phrs. 1. Homosexual.
2. Crooked, dishonest. See ‘bottle of chips’.
bent as a nine bob note Phrs. 1. Homosexual. See ‘bent’.
2. Crooked, dishonest.
A catch-phrase whose original meaning was version 2, but with the onset of ‘bent’ referring to homosexually has come to be heard more with regard to version 1. In British currency, a bob was a slang expression for a shilling (five pence) but with decimalization in 1971 became obsolete. There was never any such thing as a nine bob note, hence the simile. Cf. ‘queer as a nine bob note’ and ‘camp as a row of tents’.
berk Noun. Idiot, objectionable person. Derived from the rhyming slang Berkshire Hunt or Berkeley Hunt, meaning ‘cunt’. Normally Berkshire and Berkeley would be pronounced Barkshire and Barkeley. This expression is generally accepted as inoffensive despite its source. Also spelled ‘burk’.
(the) berries Noun. The best. Also ‘the berrys’. [Scottish use]
best of British! Phrs. Good luck!
(the) best thing since sliced bread Phrs. Absolutely the best thing ever.
better half Noun. One’s wife, husband or partner.
better than a kick in the teeth Phrs. Catch-phrase expressing that one should be happy with the situation, as it could be much worse.
better than a poke in the eye with a blunt stick Phrs. A catch-phrase that expresses that a situation could be much worse, hence one should be grateful. Also ‘better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick’.
Betty Swollox Noun. Perspiring, uncomfortable or itchy testicles. A spoonerism and literally sweaty bollocks. Also spelt Betty Swallocks.
bevvied up Adj. Drunk. Occasionally shortened to bevvied.
bevvy Noun. A general term for an alcoholic drink. Taken from the word beverage. Cf. ‘bevvied up’.
bezzy mates Noun. Best friends. E.g.”They’ve been bezzy mates since they were at nursery together.”
bi Noun. Abb. of bisexual.
Adj. Bisexual.
bible basher Noun. A fanatical preacher of religion. Derog.
bible thumper Noun. Meaning the same as ‘bible basher’.
bicky Noun. A biscuit.
biddy Noun. A woman, usually referring to an elderly woman and often reinforced with the word old.
Adj. Small.
biff Verb. To hit.
biffon Noun. The perineum, the area between the anus, and the vulva or scrotum.
biftah Noun. 1. A cigarette. *
2. A marijuana or cannabis cigarette. *
* Also bifta
big cheese Noun. A very important person.
big deal! Exclam. A sarcastic exclamation for not being very impressed.
big girl’s blouse Noun. A feeble and ineffectual person. Derog.
big it up Verb. See ‘big up’.
big style Adj. Greatly. E.g.”Yeah she’s into him big-style.”
big time Noun. The upper levels of power, success. E.g.”She’s hit the big time with getting that fifty thousand pound contract.” [U.S.]
Adv. Greatly, very much.
big up Verb. To praise, to acclaim. Also to big oneself up or to big it up. [Orig W.I.]
big white telephone Noun. The toilet (not the room). Usually combined with various terms to express the action of vomiting, i.e.’talking down the big white telephone’ etc
bike Noun. A promiscuous woman, often with respect to the immediate district or locality. Cf. ‘town bike’. Derog.
bilge (water) Noun. Nonsense, rubbish. E.g.”You are talking absolute bilge!”
(the) Bill Noun. The police. Cf. ‘old bill’.
billy Noun. Amphetamine Sulphate. Abb. of ‘Billy Whizz’, a cartoon character from the children’s magazine Beano; Billy Whizz does everything with exceptional speed and energy. Cf. ‘whizz’.
billy goat Noun. A coat. Rhyming slang.
Billy no mates Noun. A person who appears to have no friends. Derog.
bimble Noun. An ambling walk. E.g.”I’m just going for a bimble to the shops, back in 20 minutes.”
Verb. To wander aimlessly, to amble.
bimbo Noun. A young attractive empty headed woman. Derog.
bimmer Noun. A BMW car. Cf. ‘beemer’. [Orig. W.I. / Black]
bin Verb. To throw away, to discard.
binge Noun. A spree, often involving food or alcohol.
Verb. To go on a spree.
bingo wings Noun. Fatty, folds of flesh on the underarms of overweight women, who might commonly be seen at Bingo nights. [1990s]
bin lid Noun. An adolescent. Rhyming slang for kid.
binnie Noun. A refuse collector. A variation on ‘binman’. Also binno.
binman Noun. A refuse collector, a dustbin man.
bin off Verb. 1. To discard, throw away.
2. To terminate a relationship.
* Both terms are North-west England usage.
bins Noun. Spectacles.
bint Noun. A woman. From the Arabic ‘bint’ meaning girl or daughter. Derog.
bird Noun. 1. A female. Use can be taken as offensive. E.g.”Did you see that bird at the back of the bus!”
2. A girlfiend, when used in conjunction with a possessive pronoun, such as my bird.
birdbrained Adj. Stupid, lacking commonsense. {Informal}.
birmingham screwdriver Noun. A hammer.
bit Noun. A woman. Abb. of ‘bit of fluff’ or ‘bit of skirt’, generally a person viewed sexually. Derog.
bitch Noun. 1. A contemptible woman. Used on the gay scene to describe an equally despised male.
2. A woman. Derog/Offens.
3. A girlfriend. Derog/Offens. [Mainly black use]
4. Something difficult or unpleasant. E.g.”Life’s a bitch.”
5. A complaint or disparaging tirade. E.g.”Have you been having a bitch about me behind my back.”
Verb. To speak disparagingly, complain.
bit of all right Noun. Something excellent. Often heard used with reference to a sexually attractive person. E.g.”She’s a bit of alright! I’m going to ask her for a date.”
bit of fluff Noun. A sexual partner.
bit of rough Noun. A sexual partner below one’s normal standards or believed class.
bit of skirt Noun. A woman or women. A male expression for females viewed sexually. Also abbreviated to ‘skirt’. Derog.
bit of spare Noun. A sexually available person.
bit of stuff Noun. A sexually desirable person or persons.
bit on the side Noun. 1. A sexual relationship extra to one’s usual partner, an affair.
2. The other person in a sexual affair.
bits Noun. A euphemism for the genitals, male or female.
bits and bats Noun. Miscellaneous items. (North-East/ Tyneside use)
biz Adj. Rubbish, nonsense. E.g.”Don’t go and see that new amateur play at the theatre, it was biz.”
Noun. Abb. of business.
bizzies Noun. The police. Possibly derived from the expression busy body. [North-west usage]
blabbermouth Noun. A person who reveals too much in conversation, a gossip.
bladdered Adj. Drunk.
blag Verb. To lie or use clever talk with profit as an objective.
Noun. 1. A con, a ‘scam’.
2. A violent robbery or raid.
blank Verb. To rudely ignore. E.g.”Despite being introduced 5 minutes earlier, he just blanked me and continued talking..”
blaps Noun. Diarrhoea, the illness.
blart Verb. To cry. [Midlands use]
blast (!) Noun. 1. An inhalation of a cigarette or ‘joint’. E.g.”Give us a blast on your cigarette, I’ve just run out.”
2. An enjoyable experience. [U.S.] E.g.”Wasn’t the party last night a blast?”
3. A fast run in a vehicle. E.g.”We’re going for a blast up to the coast to get some fresh air.”
Exclam. An exclamation of annoyance.
blatts Noun. Diarrhoea, the illness. E.g.”I daren’t leave the house, I’ve got the blatts.”
blaze Verb. To set alight. Usually with respect to the lighting of cigarettes and ‘joints’.
bleeder Noun. An objectionable person.
bleeding Adv. Used as an intensive. E.g.”That bleeding idiot from next door is drunk again.”
bleed like a stuck pig Vrb phrs. To bleed profusely.
blighter Noun. An insignificant or objectionable person. {Informal}. E.g.”This blighter approaches me and asks for a cigarette; sure I say, and then he has the gall to put it in his pocket and says he’ll smoke that later and then asks for another to have now.”
Blighty Noun. Affectionate name for England as one’s home, often used jocularly. Orig. used by colonial Indian Army, from the Hindustani bilyati, meaning foreign. [Early 1900s]
Blimey! Exclam. An exclamation of surprise. An abbreviated form of blind me. Cf. ‘cor blimey’.
Blimey O’Reilly! Exclam. An exclamation of surprise.
blimps Noun. The red hot fragments of cannabis that occasionally fall from alight ‘joints’, causing burns to skin, clothing and furnishings.
blinder Noun. An excellent achievement. E.g.”Tim’s played another blinder.” {Informal}.
blinding Adj. Excellent, wonderful. E.g.”We had a blinding time last night.”
bling bling Noun. 1. Jewellery. From the sound of jewellery knocking against jewellery, as often seen worn by rappers. [Orig. Black US]
2. Obvious and appealing wealth, by extension of meaning 1.
blinking Adj./Adv. Used as an intensifier, but a particularly mild expression. E.g.”Your blinkin’ washing machine has broken down again.” or “It’s blinkin’ heavy, this washing machine”.
blinkin’ heck! Exclam. An old fashioned inoffensive exclamation of surprise, often expressed without the ‘h’. Also ‘heck’ can be replaced with ‘hell’.
blithering Adj. 1. An intensifier such as ‘bloody’. E.g.”How can I have toast when that blithering idiot has just eaten all the bread!”
2. Senseless and excessive talking. {Informal}.
blither on Verb. To talk incessently and boringly. {Informal}. Blither is a varient spelling of the s.e.blather.
blitzed Adj. Very intoxicated, drunk.
bloater Noun. A fat and unnattractive person. Derog.
bloke Noun. A man.
blood and sand! Exclam. An exclamation of surprise or anger. A mild and antiquated curse.
bloody Adj. Expressing annoyance as an intensifier. E.g.”That bloody idiot needs a good thumping.”
Adv. As an intensifier. E.g.”I’ll bloody thump that idiot.”
bloody hell! Exclam. An exclamation of surprise or frustration.
bloody-Nora! Exclam. An exclamation of surprise or anger. Cf. ‘flaming-Nora!’ and ‘ruddy-Nora!’
bloomer Noun. A mistake. {Informal}.
blooming Adj./Adv. An intensifier. E.g.”It’s blooming cold outside!”
blooter Verb. To kick a ball forcefully, often implying without good control. [Scottish use]
blootered Adj. Drunk. [Scottish use]
blotto Adj. Very drunk. [Early 1900s]
blow Noun. Cannabis or marijuana. It’s interesting to note that in the U.S. it refers to cocaine. [1960s]
blow a fuse / gasket Vrb phrs. To be very angry.
blow away Verb. 1. To kill.
2. To amaze. Cf. ‘blow one’s mind.’
blowback Noun. A method of sharing a ‘joint’ between two people, with one person blowing and the other inhaling.
blow chunks Verb. To vomit.
blower Noun. The telephone. From the ‘speaking tube’, down which one blew to attract a person’s attention prior to having a conversation through it. {Informal}.
blow it! Exclam. A dismissive exclamation of frustration and anger.
blow job Noun. Fellatio or cunnilingus. [Orig. U.S.]
blow it! Exclam. An exclamation of anger or frustration.
blow-off Verb. To break wind, but not belching.
blow one’s mind Vrb phrs. To cause to be utterly confused or amazed, originally when on hallucinogens. E.g.”That trip was too much, it just blew my mind.” [1960s]
blow one’s top Vrb phrs. To explode with fury.
blow one’s wad Vrb phrs. To ejaculate semen.
blow out Noun. An excessive spree of drinking, eating, spending or sex.
Verb. To cancel an arranged meeting with someone, or an planned event, unreasonably or without due notification. E.g.”I’m going to blow out my brother’s birthday party and go to that new club night instead.”
blow the gaff Vrb phrs. To reveal a plot or secret. {Informal}.
blow the whistle on Vrb phrs. To inform on.
blub Verb. To sob. Possibly onomatopoeic. [Mid 1800s]
blue arsed fly Noun. See ‘like a blue arsed fly’.
blue rinser Noun. An elderly lady, a lady pensioner. From the habit of some of this particular age group having their hair died with a hint of blue.
blunt Noun. A marijuana/cannabis cigarette. More specifically, especially in the U.S., a blunt is marijuana rolled in the outer leaves of a cigar.
blunted Adj. Intoxicated by marijuana. From the term ‘blunt’, .
boaby Noun. Penis. [Glasgow use]
boak Verb. To vomit. [Mainly N. England/Scottish use]
boat Noun. Face. From the rhyming slang boat race.
bob Verb. To visit briefly. E.g.”I’m just gonna bob down to the corner shop for some fags, do you want anything?”
Noun. A shilling in pre-decimal currency which now amounts to 5 pence.
bobbins Noun. Rubbish, nonsense, useless. Manchester rhyming slang for rotten, from bobbins of cotton. E.g.”That meal was bobbins, next time we’ll eat at home.”
bobbinsed Adj. Drunk, intoxicated. [Manchester use]
Bobby Noun. A policeman/woman. The name derives from the pet form of the Christian name of Sir Robert Peel, who established the present British police organisation. {Informal}.
bobby-dazzler Noun. A amazing thing or person. {Informal}.
bobfoc Acronym. A facially unattractive female, who possesses a sexually desirable body. From body off Baywatch, face off Crimewatch; both TV programmes.
Bob (Hope) Noun. Marijuana or cannabis. Rhyming slang for ‘dope’ (noun 2).
bo-boes Noun. Sleep. Generally a children’s expression.
Bobs your uncle Phrs. There you have it; a catch
Gosh, I feel so American, now … and left out. I shall have to get up on my UK slang before I visit … “innit”!
infacutation-n-when u think you like someone, the chances are you are just letting your mind be played
i want u and only u
i want u and only u