I’m going to be a true Brit now and talk about the weather. Don’t switch off just yet!
It looks the the heatwave may be over and thankfully I survived. Just. You may have heard old Blighty topped it’s temperature records since, well, ever. This meant a difficult couple of nights filled with discarded bedsheets, going downstairs to sleep in the cooler living room and cursing usless little fans that do nothing but blow hot air around. Of course being at work was easier owing to the air conditioning unit we have installed there. Reading reports on the future climate change has me thinking long term. How are we going to adapt? On days like these, I’d like to think a simple AC unit everywhere would be a blooming good start.
Many people have been stating the reasons for this apparent climate change. To them I say, don’t go jumping the gun just yet.
While we’re on the subject of weather (stop yawning), check out this online art show called ‘Painting the Weather‘. There are exhibitions being held over Britain showcasing weather-inpired art. I love ‘Sudden Shower at Ohashi Bridge at Atake‘ as it features rain, my favourite kind of weather. Rain inspires me in a different, more “dance in the garden” type of way.
i like the fog themed pictures myself…mainly this one
nice butterfly too!
Thanks, that was taken by a 7250 you know! Of course not all pictures come out that well, you have to have a lot of light (it was very sunny) and you have to be very close to the subject to get a decent photo (I was practically touching the butterfly!)
I love Flutter Bys!!
But not the real ones, just the ones that come in a sterling silver variety 🙂
I have issues, I know!!
Muslim voices 8/9 to 8/16
Annie shares her thoughts about the blackout. Abdullah posts a reminder about emotions that are bad for us. Adnan reflects…
still, a very good picture! i’m stopping myself from testing it in the shops in case i walk off with one!