You know it’s going to be one of those days when the morning starts with you putting the milk carton in the dishwasher and the dirty spoon in the fridge.
On the bright side, a friend gave me vouchers for downloads from iTunes. Any recommendations?
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This is something I want to calrify. I have been wanting to do it for quite a long time. Actually its really not that big but its confuses me. If fridge is the abbreviation of refrigerator then it should be frige not fridge! right?
The English language is a complex animal 🙂
get some imogen heap, or nerina pallot….
how did you get those vouchers!! You are lucky. I got 2 free song downloads from itunes because they charged me twice for buying a video. I recommend Orson and the new LL Cool J song
love ya melo xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
A friend from work gave them to me. He didn’t need them because he downloads illegally :/
I ended up getting songs by Opeth, Muse and Katatonia. Loving them.
Try the music and videos at this site, not sure you will like it being a girl and that:
Also, check dis documentary while you are at it-after the exams may be:
– random appearance- I don’t know you & you don’t know me but ere are some recommendations whether or not you have used those vouchers already: Sufjan Stevens (multi-talented man making mellow music), Omar Sosa (kinda salsa jazz) & Dappled Cities Fly (just spreading the word on the ever amusing aussie band).