Surf's Up

This place gets hotter by the minute.

Categorised as WWW

Flip Flop Flyin

It was via this site (excellent by the way, visit it) that my memory was jolted about a site I used to visit regularly a while ago. I want to see if it’s a brilliant as ever but I can’t acces it 🙁 I think I’ll just go throw a tantrum now….

Categorised as WWW

Blogger Dudes

Looks like the blogger dudes have bought the new server. I hear a collective sigh of relief from the thousands of blogger users around the globe. I actually signed up for an Organizine account due to the fact that I was so frustrated. Anyway, I’m glad everything’s back in order. Now I can write about… Continue reading Blogger Dudes

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Categorised as WWW


There’s talent and then there’s this guy. I’m mucho impressed, I hope he gets well soon.

Categorised as WWW