Category: General
It's not a lie, if you believe it
Even the George Costanza Wikipedia entry is hilarious.
Will Cook for Food: Biryani
Lamb Biryani recipe.
Claude Returns!
And this time he’s evil. It’s amazing what six years can do to a snowman. More photos and some video footage on my Vox blog.
Are you ticklish?
I was recently introduced to Demetri Martin (not in person, that would be unlikely) and he’s very amusing. Now his stand-up is umm..upstanding(!) but I’m also quite fond of his animated shorts (not those kind of shorts, that would be unlikely).
Will Cook For Food
So I thought I’d start an online cookbook rather than a traditional “remember it or write it down on scraps of paper” type thing. My first attempt: Okra Curry or Bindi/Pindia