I guess I should write an entry about the latest goings on in the Big Brother house. I had vowed not to watch the show(s) this year but what with all the media coverage, I’ve been sucked into the hype. But at least Stalin has now been evicted from the house.
Category: General
Nokia N95
I knew it, I just knew it!! I knew that just as soon as I bought my Nokia N73, a better model would come out. Behold the Nokia N95 with its 5 megapixel camera. That’s right, FIVE!!
Saima says "Greetings!"
You may have noticed that to the right, I’ve added a Saima Says Network blurb. These are just links to two other sites of mine. One is my Vox blog which is a semi-private blog where I write for friends and family mainly. I also have entries viewable to the general public which mainly consist… Continue reading Saima says "Greetings!"
Google Pakistan in Punjabi
Happy New Gregorian Calendar Year
2006 was a testing year. It wasn’t all bad though. Here’s something from last May that brought a smile to my face even though I didn’t hear about it till later. Royal de Luxe brought the Sultan’s Elephant and the little girl giant to central London for four days and magic ensued. No adverts, no… Continue reading Happy New Gregorian Calendar Year