Previously my site had been taking ages to load due to blogvoices, the discussion part you see after each post. For the past couple of weeks however I have been using this trick. The only thing is that you have to manually change the comment count each time, which can be a pain but even I can handle that, being a extraordinarily lazy person. Anyway, great ‘bodge’ Rob. Even though I always use ‘bodge up’ in the context of when something gets messed up. Like ‘Oh no, my new haircut is so bodged up! I’m going to sue the hairdresser.’ I love English slang, one of the perks of living here, along with persistent rain.
p.s. The title ‘Junkyard Wars’ sounds so much better than it’s British counterpart ‘Scrapheap Challenge’. I’ve watched both and they’re not really my cup of tea. Robert Llewellyn still rocks though.