Today we went to see the recording of Friday Night with Jonathan Ross that will be airing tomorrow. Not only was the line-up great, contained my two favourite things on telly (comedy and cooking) but it was also fun watching how these shows are filmed. The compere was pretty funny too and kept us entertained throughout… Continue reading Thursday Night with Jonathan Ross
Year: 2009
DIY Ice-Cream Parlour
This Ice-Cream Parlour by Amy puts my efforts to shame! More photos and templates (so generous!) over at Eat Drink Chic.
Edinburgh Fringe Festival ’09 – Richard Herring
We were on the flight to Edinburgh when we first heard all about the controversy surrounding Richard Herring’s show Hitler Moustache from our friend. Apparently, a writer for The Guardian claimed Richard Herring hates Pakistanis and labelled him a big ol’ racist. I hadn’t read the article at this point or Richard’s right of reply but was… Continue reading Edinburgh Fringe Festival ’09 – Richard Herring
Edinburgh Fringe Festival ’09 – Late ‘n’ Live
Late ‘n’ Live is exactly what it says on the tin; it’s three live comedy acts, one music act and it starts at 1am. You have to be pretty well regarded to get a slot at this event so we knew the comedy would be of high quality and it was. Okay, so the compere,… Continue reading Edinburgh Fringe Festival ’09 – Late ‘n’ Live
Darling Clothes
“Quintessentially feminine” is how Darling Clothes describe themselves and I couldn’t agree more. I get a real hippy, bohemian and quirky vibe from their clothes and I love it! Here are my favourite pieces:
Edinburgh Fringe Festival ’09 – Lewis Schaffer
Guess what? We were late to this show too! And Lewis said to us as we walked in, “I’m warning you! I’m a pro-American Jew boy!” The whole crowd laughed and it pissed me off a little, I must admit. It didn’t detract from the rest of the show though, really very funny. It was… Continue reading Edinburgh Fringe Festival ’09 – Lewis Schaffer