MARK LAMARR: Will the real

MARK LAMARR: Will the real ‘person who smashed the windscreen of Saima’s car’ please step forward?

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The funniest thing I saw

The funniest thing I saw today. Written into the dirt on the back of a top level security van: GARY GLITTER ON TOUR.

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Ali G's closest relative? Talking

Ali G‘s closest relative? Talking of Ali G, I wonder how long it will be before Channel 4 has his ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire’ spin-off ‘Money for Hash’ as a regular show.

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Since I am TOFADEC (The

Since I am TOFADEC (The OFficial ADvisor on Eye Candy) according to B, I recommend you take a peek at this, this and this.

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I don't understand group blogs

I don’t understand group blogs that are just like a conversation between the writers. ‘So today I went here and here. By the way so and so, your site looks great! *giggle*’ ‘Thanks for saying my site looks great, yours does too. *hugz* So what are you doing tomorrow? Today I went to the mall… Continue reading I don't understand group blogs

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