Wilkommen Backen

This site would have been back up yesterday had it not been for a powercut two seconds before I was about to save all my hard work. Them’s the breaks.
I’m not too keen on the dark so when everything went pitch black and I realised I was all alone upstairs I started frantically searching for a torch in my room. Then I remembered that it was in my coat pocket from a couple of months back when I went out in the dark to see if I could fix the satellite dish. I get ambitious moments like that sometimes.
There’s not much to do without electricity so once we managed to find candles and gather the family in one room we just sat there. Then someone suggested a shadow puppet show but that was soon nipped in the bud when everyone had the same idea and started making rude hand gestures. Except for mum of course, who was trying to make a butterfly shape but it just ended up looking like two weasels having a really good time.
In the end I called up the electricity company and this guy picked up who sounded like he was on a mobile, stood in the middle of a field somewhere. He transferred me to the relevant department which was just another bloke in a field. In fact, it might have just been the same guy putting on a fake voice but not trying hard enough to sound different. I did eventually get through to the right people who told me power would be back sometime at midnight so we sat back and just chatted as a family and discussed all sorts, from power cuts in Pakistan to power cut precautions in Pakistan. Varied subjectage.
Apparently, there will be many many more power cuts in the near future due to energy shortages. Stock up on candles and practice your shadow puppetry.


  1. Who’s the icredibly, disgustingly, horrendously, phenomenally, lucky fella that sold his soul to the devil to pull you?

  2. also, Saima…yes, yes and YES?
    methinks, someone’s just been watching ‘When Harry met Sally’
    Please feel free to edit that, but if not then I’ll have what your having

  3. getting married? is it ok if i momentarily lose my cool and do that whole screaming thing girls do when they share news like this?

  4. Faisal!!!! Welcome back to you too, where ya been?? And what DVD?
    Fez: Thanks lovely 🙂
    Buhra: Go ahead, I’ll join you, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh!!

  5. So So? What’s that short for? Sausage? Hmmm… Well I’ve been in rehab for a while now, and things are going well, so should be released into the community soon. Oh, just realised ER is on… so gotta shoot… up.

  6. Hey Saima, on one of my random trips to your site I see you’re getting married (hand to chin and eyebrows raised). Congratulations! Soon you’ll be joining the parenting club like I will be soon…
    p.s. when’s the big day?

  7. Heh heh, sausage. he’ll love that, since he’s Jewish…only on Saturdays though, you know so he doesn’t have to flick switches and so on.

  8. Also Faisal, despite having never met you, I conclude that you are the ‘canine nads’ because you share my fondness for…three full stops before the punchline.
    Also, I hope it was just methadone you cheeky sausage.

  9. NoMojoPin, Although I have never met you either I can affirm that you too are the… “hound’s family jewels” since anyone who names himself after a Jeff Buckley song obviously has taste.

  10. Arse… i just realised that you were probably refering to the other Faisal (who incidentally also shares my surname)Saima, does this sound familiar? Too many Faisals huh?. Anyway, i too make extensive use of the the three dots so i claim membership of the “pooch Olives” club…

  11. Fez, you are gentlemen sir and you make me want to deedpole my name to Faisal just so this club of our can be even more exclusive… but “pooch Olives”? surely you meant “Great Dane Basketballs”

  12. Wait a minute Saima, did you say your future fella’s name is So So? That sounds awfully familiar…

  13. Well, as we got engaged last night its time to lift the guise so from now on I will post on this site as So So boy 🙂

  14. It is a bit oriental, which is great and…I’m not bragging but I know karate…yeah. I’ve got certificates and belts…yeah. (Darn, my David Brent impersonation doesn’t travel well in writing)

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