Pinch and a punch for

Pinch and a punch for the first of the month. Happy new year.
x-machine has a new look. Saima is jealous. When did Saima starting talking in the third person? Saima is scared.
This site is getting boring wouldn’t you say? Be a guest blogger and bring a new flavour to this place. Go on, you know you want to.
The Seven Wonders of the Web.


  1. Very Pretty site and very good girl. Thank you for your nice chat. Hope to see you soon.

  2. And another thing, “Very good girl?!” Poor deluded fool obviously knows nowt about you……

  3. Be a guest blogger
    are we aiming at a Saima/ 😉 methiks u do a reasonably good job of being a megalomaniac and us good commentators on the megalomania (is there a term for us ppl?) so let that be imho 🙂 appi noo year to ya too

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