Edinburgh Fringe Festival ’09 – Lewis Schaffer

Guess what? We were late to this show too! And Lewis said to us as we walked in, “I’m warning you! I’m a pro-American Jew boy!” The whole crowd laughed and it pissed me off a little, I must admit. It didn’t detract from the rest of the show though, really very funny. It was a free show too so can’t complain.

We did run into Lewis later on that evening. Twice. We ended up chatting to him for quite some time and I told him his comment earlier on had annoyed me. He explained though that he makes fun of EVERYONE, no matter who they are and that it’s all done in jest. There’s a big debate about racism in comedy at the moment (I will be writing more about that when I talk about the Richard Herring show) but I’m of the opinion that it’s not comedians using it as an excuse to be offensive, more to make us think. Also, Lewis said I was “too pretty to go see the Chippendales” so I guess I’ll have to forgive him. I’m so easily won over.

Anyway, do go and see Lewis Schaffer in Edinburgh this week if you can or when he’s back in London.

One comment

  1. Hmmm, let’s see mrs, you’re initial hangup about his comment vs him having a conversation with me in front of 150 people about my circumcision?
    Lewis Schaffer is amazing, seen him 3 times and he’s already one of my favourites. With all his insecurities and proverbial jewish nu-york neuroticism he fearlessly lulls the crowd into an antogonistic sparring match only to win them back, which you can attest to ms says. Unbelievable stuff and of course he’s reet foonny pet.

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